drasil-printers- A framework for code and document generation for scientific software - Printers SubPackage
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Defines functions to transform Drasil-based documents into a printable version.


Main Function

makeDocument :: PrintingInformation -> Document -> Document Source #

Translates from Document to a printable representation of Document.


createLayout :: PrintingInformation -> [Section] -> [LayoutObj] Source #

Helper function for creating sections as layout objects.

sec :: PrintingInformation -> Int -> Section -> LayoutObj Source #

Helper function for creating sections at the appropriate depth.

layout :: PrintingInformation -> Int -> SecCons -> LayoutObj Source #

Helper for translating sections into a printable representation of layout objects (LayoutObj).

lay :: PrintingInformation -> Contents -> LayoutObj Source #

Helper that translates Contents to a printable representation of LayoutObj. Called internally by layout.

layLabelled :: PrintingInformation -> LabelledContent -> LayoutObj Source #

Helper that translates LabelledContents to a printable representation of LayoutObj. Called internally by lay.

layUnlabelled :: PrintingInformation -> RawContent -> LayoutObj Source #

Helper that translates RawContents to a printable representation of LayoutObj. Called internally by lay.

layCite :: Citation -> Citation Source #

For importing a bibliography.

layField :: CiteField -> CiteField Source #

Helper for translating Citefields into a printable representation of CiteFields

makeL :: PrintingInformation -> ListType -> ListType Source #

Translates lists to be printable.

item :: PrintingInformation -> ItemType -> ItemType Source #

Helper for translating list items to be printable.