drasil-sysinfo- A framework for code and document generation for scientific software - SystemInformation SubPackage
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



System Information

data SystemInformation where Source #

Data structure for holding all of the requisite information about a system to be used in artifact generation.




data Block a Source #


Parallel a [a] 

Reference Database

data ReferenceDB Source #

Database for internal references. Contains citations and referrable concepts.

type RefMap a = Map UID (a, Int) Source #

Database for maintaining references. The Int is that reference's number. Maintains access to both num and chunk for easy reference swapping between number and shortname/refname when necessary (or use of number if no shortname exists).

type Purpose = [Sentence] Source #

Project Example purpose.

type Background = [Sentence] Source #

Project Example background information, used in the What section of README.

citeDB :: SystemInformation -> BibRef Source #

Helper for extracting a bibliography from the system information.

rdb :: BibRef -> [ConceptInstance] -> ReferenceDB Source #

Smart constructor for creating a reference database from a bibliography and concept instances.

simpleMap :: HasUID a => [a] -> RefMap a Source #

Constructor that makes a RefMap from things that have a UID.

citationDB :: Lens' ReferenceDB BibMap Source #

conceptDB :: Lens' ReferenceDB ConceptMap Source #

Utility Helper Functions

ccss :: [Sentence] -> [ModelExpr] -> ChunkDB -> [DefinedQuantityDict] Source #

Gets a list of defined quantities (DefinedQuantityDicts) from Sentences and expressions that are contained in the database (ChunkDB).

ccss' :: [Sentence] -> [ModelExpr] -> ChunkDB -> [QuantityDict] Source #

Gets a list of quantities (QuantityDicts) from Sentences and expressions that are contained in the database (ChunkDB).

combine :: Sentence -> ChunkDB -> [DefinedQuantityDict] Source #

Combines the functions of vars and concpt to create a list of DefinedQuantityDicts from a Sentence.

getIdeaDict :: Sentence -> ChunkDB -> [IdeaDict] Source #

Gets a list of ideas (IdeaDict) from a Sentence in order to print.

vars :: ModelExpr -> ChunkDB -> [QuantityDict] Source #

Gets a list of quantities (QuantityDict) from an equation in order to print.