Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Define types and functions related to creating a system information database.
- data SystemInformation where
- SI :: (CommonIdea a, Idea a, Idea b, HasName c, Quantity e, Eq e, MayHaveUnit e, Quantity f, MayHaveUnit f, Concept f, Eq f, Quantity h, MayHaveUnit h, Quantity i, MayHaveUnit i, HasUID j, Constrained j) => {..} -> SystemInformation
- data Block a
- instModels :: Lens' SystemInformation [InstanceModel]
- datadefs :: Lens' SystemInformation [DataDefinition]
- configFiles :: Lens' SystemInformation [String]
- inputs :: HasInputs c => Lens' c [(QuantityDict, Maybe (RealInterval Expr Expr))]
- purpose :: Lens' SystemInformation Purpose
- background :: Lens' SystemInformation Background
- defSequence :: Lens' SystemInformation [Block SimpleQDef]
- constraints :: Constrained c => Lens' c [ConstraintE]
- constants :: Lens' SystemInformation [ConstQDef]
- sysinfodb :: Lens' SystemInformation ChunkDB
- usedinfodb :: Lens' SystemInformation ChunkDB
- citeDB :: SystemInformation -> BibRef
- citationsFromBibMap :: BibMap -> [Citation]
- data ReferenceDB
- type RefMap a = Map UID (a, Int)
- type Purpose = [Sentence]
- type Background = [Sentence]
- rdb :: BibRef -> [ConceptInstance] -> ReferenceDB
- simpleMap :: HasUID a => [a] -> RefMap a
- citationDB :: Lens' ReferenceDB BibMap
- conceptDB :: Lens' ReferenceDB ConceptMap
System Information
data SystemInformation where Source #
Data structure for holding all of the requisite information about a system to be used in artifact generation.
SI | |
for listing QDefinition
s in SystemInformation
instModels :: Lens' SystemInformation [InstanceModel] Source #
datadefs :: Lens' SystemInformation [DataDefinition] Source #
configFiles :: Lens' SystemInformation [String] Source #
inputs :: HasInputs c => Lens' c [(QuantityDict, Maybe (RealInterval Expr Expr))] #
Provides a Lens
that holds a QuantityDict
and maybe constraints.
purpose :: Lens' SystemInformation Purpose Source #
background :: Lens' SystemInformation Background Source #
defSequence :: Lens' SystemInformation [Block SimpleQDef] Source #
constraints :: Constrained c => Lens' c [ConstraintE] #
Provides a Lens
to the Constraint
constants :: Lens' SystemInformation [ConstQDef] Source #
sysinfodb :: Lens' SystemInformation ChunkDB Source #
usedinfodb :: Lens' SystemInformation ChunkDB Source #
Lookup Functions
citeDB :: SystemInformation -> BibRef Source #
Helper for extracting a bibliography from the system information.
citationsFromBibMap :: BibMap -> [Citation] Source #
Create sorted citations from a bibliography.
Reference Database
data ReferenceDB Source #
Database for internal references. Contains citations and referrable concepts.
type RefMap a = Map UID (a, Int) Source #
Database for maintaining references. The Int is that reference's number. Maintains access to both num and chunk for easy reference swapping between number and shortname/refname when necessary (or use of number if no shortname exists).
type Background = [Sentence] Source #
Project Example background information, used in the What
section of README.
rdb :: BibRef -> [ConceptInstance] -> ReferenceDB Source #
Smart constructor for creating a reference database from a bibliography and concept instances.
citationDB :: Lens' ReferenceDB BibMap Source #
conceptDB :: Lens' ReferenceDB ConceptMap Source #