{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | The lowest level of chunks in Drasil. It all starts with an identifier and a term.
module Language.Drasil.Chunk.NamedIdea (
  -- * Type
  -- * Classes
  NamedIdea(..), Idea(..),
  -- * Constructors
  nc, ncUID, nw, mkIdea, mkIdeaUID
) where

import Language.Drasil.UID (mkUid, UID, HasUID(..))
import Control.Lens ((^.), makeLenses)

import Language.Drasil.NounPhrase.Core ( NP )
import Control.Lens.Lens (Lens')

-- TODO: Why does a NamedIdea need a UID? It might need a UID to be registered in the chunk map.
-- | A NamedIdea is a 'term' that we've identified (has a 'UID') as 
-- being worthy of naming.
class HasUID c => NamedIdea c where
  -- | Lens to the term (a noun phrase).
  term :: Lens' c NP

-- | An 'Idea' is the combination of a 'NamedIdea' and a 'CommonIdea'.
-- In other words, it /may/ have an acronym/abbreviation.
class NamedIdea c => Idea c where
  -- | Gets the acronym/abbreviation.
  getA :: c -> Maybe String
  --Get Abbreviation/Acronym? These might need to be separated 
  --depending on contexts, but for now I don't see a problem with it.

-- TODO: Add in function to check UIDs (see #2788).
-- TODO: Any constructor that takes in a UID should be built off of this one so that
-- the UID may be checked by the first TODO.

-- | 'IdeaDict' constructor, takes a 'String' for its 'UID' and a term.
nc :: String -> NP -> IdeaDict
nc :: String -> NP -> IdeaDict
nc String
s NP
np' = UID -> NP -> Maybe String -> IdeaDict
IdeaDict (String -> UID
mkUid String
s) NP
np' forall a. Maybe a

-- | Similar to 'nc', but takes in the 'UID' in the form of a 'UID' rather than a 'String'.
ncUID :: UID -> NP -> IdeaDict
ncUID :: UID -> NP -> IdeaDict
u NP
np' = UID -> NP -> Maybe String -> IdeaDict
IdeaDict UID
u NP
np' forall a. Maybe a

-- Don't export the record accessors.
-- | 'IdeaDict' is the canonical dictionary associated to an 'Idea'.
-- Contains a 'UID' and a term that could have an abbreviation ('Maybe' 'String').
-- Ex. The project name "Double Pendulum" may have the abbreviation "DblPend".
data IdeaDict = IdeaDict {
  IdeaDict -> UID
_uu :: UID,
  IdeaDict -> NP
_np :: NP,
  IdeaDict -> Maybe String
mabbr :: Maybe String
makeLenses ''IdeaDict

-- | Equal if 'UID's are equal.
instance Eq        IdeaDict where IdeaDict
a == :: IdeaDict -> IdeaDict -> Bool
== IdeaDict
b = IdeaDict
a forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. forall c. HasUID c => Lens' c UID
uid forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== IdeaDict
b forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. forall c. HasUID c => Lens' c UID
-- | Finds the 'UID' of the 'IdeaDict' used to make the 'IdeaDict'.
instance HasUID    IdeaDict where uid :: Lens' IdeaDict UID
uid = Lens' IdeaDict UID
-- | Finds the term ('NP') of the 'IdeaDict' used to make the 'IdeaDict'.
instance NamedIdea IdeaDict where term :: Lens' IdeaDict NP
term = Lens' IdeaDict NP
-- | Finds the abbreviation of the 'IdeaDict'.
instance Idea      IdeaDict where getA :: IdeaDict -> Maybe String
getA = IdeaDict -> Maybe String
-- | 'IdeaDict' constructor, takes a 'UID', 'NP', and 
-- an abbreviation in the form of 'Maybe' 'String'.
mkIdea :: String -> NP -> Maybe String -> IdeaDict
mkIdea :: String -> NP -> Maybe String -> IdeaDict
mkIdea String
s = UID -> NP -> Maybe String -> IdeaDict
IdeaDict (String -> UID
mkUid String

-- | Same as 'mkIdea' but takes a 'UID' rather than a 'String'.
mkIdeaUID :: UID -> NP -> Maybe String -> IdeaDict
mkIdeaUID :: UID -> NP -> Maybe String -> IdeaDict
mkIdeaUID = UID -> NP -> Maybe String -> IdeaDict

-- | Historical name: nw comes from 'named wrapped' from when
-- 'NamedIdea' exported 'getA' (now in 'Idea'). But there are
-- no more wrappers, instead we have explicit dictionaries. Unwraps
-- an 'Idea' and places its 'UID' and 'NP' into an 'IdeaDict' with
-- 'Nothing' for an abbreviation.
nw :: Idea c => c -> IdeaDict
nw :: forall c. Idea c => c -> IdeaDict
nw c
c = UID -> NP -> Maybe String -> IdeaDict
IdeaDict (c
c forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. forall c. HasUID c => Lens' c UID
uid) (c
c forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. forall c. NamedIdea c => Lens' c NP
term) (forall c. Idea c => c -> Maybe String
getA c