drasil-lang- A framework for code and document generation for scientific software - Language SubPackage
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




type TypingContext t = Map UID t Source #

We can only type check UIDs within a type context relating UIDs to types since they don't carry any type information.

inferFromContext :: TypingContext t -> UID -> Either t TypeError Source #

Look for a known type of a specific UID.

class (Eq t, Show t) => Typed e t where Source #

Build a bidirectional type checker for your expression language, e, with respect to a specific type universe, t.


infer :: TypingContext t -> e -> Either t TypeError Source #

Given a typing context and an expression, infer a unique type or explain what went awry.

check :: TypingContext t -> e -> t -> Either t TypeError Source #

Given a typing context, an expression, and an expected type, check if the expression can satisfy the expectation.

class Typed e t => RequiresChecking c e t where Source #

For all containers, c, which contain typed expressions, e, against a specific type universe, t, expose all expressions and relations that need to be type-checked.


requiredChecks :: c -> [(e, t)] Source #

All things that need type checking.

typeCheckByInfer :: Typed e t => TypingContext t -> e -> t -> Either t TypeError Source #

`Check' an expressions type based by an inference.

allOfType :: Typed e t => TypingContext t -> [e] -> t -> t -> TypeError -> Either t TypeError Source #

temporaryIndent :: String -> String -> String Source #

A temporary, hacky, indentation function. It should be removed when we switch to using something else for error messages, which can be later formatted nicely.