drasil-lang- A framework for code and document generation for scientific software - Language SubPackage
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Extract UIDs from an expression so that they can be looked up in the chunk database and rendered.



eNames :: Expr -> [UID] Source #

Generic traverse of all expressions that could lead to names.

eNamesRI :: RealInterval Expr Expr -> [UID] Source #

Generic traversal of everything that could come from an interval to names (similar to eNames).

eNames' :: Expr -> [UID] Source #

Generic traverse of all positions that could lead to eNames without functions. FIXME : this should really be done via post-facto filtering, but right now the information needed to do this is not available!

eNamesRI' :: RealInterval Expr Expr -> [UID] Source #

Generic traversal of everything that could come from an interval to names without functions (similar to eNames').

eDep :: Expr -> [UID] Source #

Get dependencies from an equation.