drasil-lang- A framework for code and document generation for scientific software - Language SubPackage
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Developing the expression language in Drasil. Re-export many things to simplify external use.



class NounPhrase n where Source #

Minimal complete definition

phraseNP, pluralNP, sentenceCase, titleCase


phraseNP :: n -> Sentence Source #

Retrieves singular form of term. Ex. "the quick brown fox".

pluralNP :: n -> PluralForm Source #

Retrieves plural form of term. Ex. "the quick brown foxes".


Instances details
NounPhrase NP Source #

Defines NP as a NounPhrase. Default capitalization rules for proper and common nouns are CapFirst for sentence case and CapWords for title case. Also accepts a Phrase where the capitalization case may be specified.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.NounPhrase


phraseNP :: NP -> Sentence Source #

pluralNP :: NP -> PluralForm Source #

sentenceCase :: NP -> (NP -> Sentence) -> Capitalization Source #

titleCase :: NP -> (NP -> Sentence) -> Capitalization Source #

sdep :: Sentence -> [UID] Source #

This is to collect symbolic UIDs that are printed out as a Symbol.

lnames :: Sentence -> [UID] Source #

Generic traverse of all positions that could lead to reference UIDs from Sentences.

lnames' :: [Sentence] -> [UID] Source #

Get reference UIDs from Sentences.


showUID :: HasUID a => a -> String Source #

Grabs the UID from something that has a UID and displays it as a String.