{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module GOOL.Drasil.ClassInterface (
  -- Types
  Label, Library, GSProgram, SFile, MSBody, MSBlock, VSType, SVariable, SValue,
  VSThunk, VSFunction, MSStatement, MSParameter, SMethod, CSStateVar, SClass,
  FSModule, NamedArgs, Initializers, MixedCall, MixedCtorCall, PosCall,
  -- Typeclasses
  OOProg, ProgramSym(..), FileSym(..), PermanenceSym(..), BodySym(..), 
  bodyStatements, oneLiner, BlockSym(..), TypeSym(..), TypeElim(..), 
  VariableSym(..), VariableElim(..), ($->), listOf, listVar, ValueSym(..), 
  Argument(..), Literal(..), litZero, MathConstant(..), VariableValue(..),
  CommandLineArgs(..), NumericExpression(..), BooleanExpression(..), 
  Comparison(..), ValueExpression(..), funcApp, funcAppNamedArgs, selfFuncApp,
  extFuncApp, libFuncApp, newObj, extNewObj, libNewObj, exists,
  InternalValueExp(..), objMethodCall, objMethodCallNamedArgs,
  objMethodCallMixedArgs, objMethodCallNoParams, FunctionSym(..), ($.),
  selfAccess, GetSet(..), List(..), InternalList(..), listSlice,
  listIndexExists, at, ThunkSym(..), VectorType(..), VectorDecl(..),
  VectorThunk(..), VectorExpression(..), ThunkAssign(..), StatementSym(..),
  AssignStatement(..), (&=), assignToListIndex, DeclStatement(..),
  objDecNewNoParams, extObjDecNewNoParams, IOStatement(..),
  StringStatement(..), FuncAppStatement(..), CommentStatement(..),
  ControlStatement(..), StatePattern(..), initState, changeState,
  ObserverPattern(..), observerListName, initObserverList, addObserver,
  StrategyPattern(..), ifNoElse, switchAsIf, ScopeSym(..), ParameterSym(..),
  MethodSym(..), privMethod, pubMethod, initializer, nonInitConstructor,
  StateVarSym(..), privDVar, pubDVar, pubSVar, ClassSym(..), ModuleSym(..),
) where

import GOOL.Drasil.CodeType (CodeType(..), ClassName)
import GOOL.Drasil.Helpers (onStateValue)
import GOOL.Drasil.State (GS, FS, CS, MS, VS)

import qualified Data.Kind as K (Type)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import CodeLang.Drasil (Comment)

type Label = String
type Library = String

type GSProgram a = GS (a (Program a))

-- In relation to GOOL, the type variable r can be considered as short for "representation"

-- Functions in GOOL's interface beginning with "ext" are to be used to access items from other modules in the same program/project
-- Functions in GOOL's interface beginning with "lib" are to be used to access items from different libraries/projects

class (ProgramSym r, VectorType r, VectorDecl r, VectorThunk r,
  VectorExpression r, ThunkAssign r, AssignStatement r, DeclStatement r,
  IOStatement r, StringStatement r, FuncAppStatement r, CommentStatement r,
  ControlStatement r, InternalList r, Argument r, Literal r, MathConstant r,
  VariableValue r, CommandLineArgs r, NumericExpression r, BooleanExpression r,
  Comparison r, ValueExpression r, InternalValueExp r, GetSet r, List r,
  StatePattern r, ObserverPattern r, StrategyPattern r, TypeElim r,
  VariableElim r) => OOProg r

class (FileSym r) => ProgramSym r where
  type Program r
  prog :: Label -> Label -> [SFile r] -> GSProgram r

type SFile a = FS (a (File a))

class (ModuleSym r) => FileSym r where 
  type File r
  fileDoc :: FSModule r -> SFile r

  -- Module description, list of author names, date as a String, file to comment
  docMod :: String -> [String] -> String -> SFile r -> SFile r

class PermanenceSym r where
  type Permanence r
  static  :: r (Permanence r)
  dynamic :: r (Permanence r)

type MSBody a = MS (a (Body a))

class (BlockSym r) => BodySym r where
  type Body r
  body           :: [MSBlock r] -> MSBody r

  addComments :: Label -> MSBody r -> MSBody r

bodyStatements :: (BodySym r) => [MSStatement r] -> MSBody r
bodyStatements :: forall (r :: * -> *). BodySym r => [MSStatement r] -> MSBody r
bodyStatements [MSStatement r]
sts = forall (r :: * -> *). BodySym r => [MSBlock r] -> MSBody r
body [forall (r :: * -> *). BlockSym r => [MSStatement r] -> MSBlock r
block [MSStatement r]

oneLiner :: (BodySym r) => MSStatement r -> MSBody r
oneLiner :: forall (r :: * -> *). BodySym r => MSStatement r -> MSBody r
oneLiner MSStatement r
s = forall (r :: * -> *). BodySym r => [MSStatement r] -> MSBody r
bodyStatements [MSStatement r

type MSBlock a = MS (a (Block a))

class (StatementSym r) => BlockSym r where
  type Block r
  block   :: [MSStatement r] -> MSBlock r

type VSType a = VS (a (Type a))

class TypeSym r where
  type Type r
  bool          :: VSType r
  int           :: VSType r -- This is 32-bit signed ints except in Python, 
                            -- which has unlimited precision ints
  float         :: VSType r
  double        :: VSType r
  char          :: VSType r
  string        :: VSType r
  infile        :: VSType r
  outfile       :: VSType r
  listType      :: VSType r -> VSType r
  arrayType     :: VSType r -> VSType r
  listInnerType :: VSType r -> VSType r
  obj           :: ClassName -> VSType r
  funcType      :: [VSType r] -> VSType r -> VSType r
  void          :: VSType r

class (TypeSym r) => TypeElim r where
  getType :: r (Type r) -> CodeType
  getTypeString :: r (Type r) -> String

type SVariable a = VS (a (Variable a))

class (TypeSym r) => VariableSym r where
  type Variable r
  var          :: Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
  staticVar    :: Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
  constant     :: Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
  extVar       :: Library -> Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
  self         :: SVariable r
  classVar     :: VSType r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r
  extClassVar  :: VSType r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r
  objVar       :: SVariable r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r
  objVarSelf   :: SVariable r -> SVariable r
  arrayElem    :: Integer -> SVariable r -> SVariable r
class (VariableSym r) => VariableElim r where
  variableName :: r (Variable r) -> String
  variableType :: r (Variable r) -> r (Type r)

($->) :: (VariableSym r) => SVariable r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r
infixl 9 $->
$-> :: forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableSym r =>
SVariable r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r
($->) = forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableSym r =>
SVariable r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r

listVar :: (VariableSym r) => Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
listVar :: forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableSym r =>
Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
listVar Label
n VSType r
t = forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableSym r =>
Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
var Label
n (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r -> VSType r
listType VSType r

listOf :: (VariableSym r) => Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
listOf :: forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableSym r =>
Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
listOf = forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableSym r =>
Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r

type SValue a = VS (a (Value a))

class (TypeSym r) => ValueSym r where
  type Value r
  valueType :: r (Value r) -> r (Type r)

class (ValueSym r) => Argument r where
  pointerArg :: SValue r -> SValue r

class (ValueSym r) => Literal r where
  litTrue   :: SValue r
  litFalse  :: SValue r
  litChar   :: Char -> SValue r
  litDouble :: Double -> SValue r
  litFloat  :: Float -> SValue r
  litInt    :: Integer -> SValue r
  litString :: String -> SValue r
  litArray  :: VSType r -> [SValue r] -> SValue r
  litList   :: VSType r -> [SValue r] -> SValue r

litZero :: (TypeElim r, Literal r) => VSType r -> SValue r
litZero :: forall (r :: * -> *).
(TypeElim r, Literal r) =>
VSType r -> SValue r
litZero VSType r
t = do
  r (Type r)
t' <- VSType r
  case forall (r :: * -> *). TypeElim r => r (Type r) -> CodeType
getType r (Type r)
t' of
Integer -> forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => Integer -> SValue r
litInt Integer
Float -> forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => Float -> SValue r
litFloat Float
Double -> forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => Double -> SValue r
litDouble Double
_ -> forall a. HasCallStack => Label -> a
error Label
"litZero expects a numeric type"

class (ValueSym r) => MathConstant r where
  pi :: SValue r

class (VariableSym r, ValueSym r) => VariableValue r where
  valueOf       :: SVariable r -> SValue r

class (ValueSym r) => CommandLineArgs r where
  arg          :: Integer -> SValue r
  argsList     :: SValue r
  argExists    :: Integer -> SValue r

class (ValueSym r) => NumericExpression r where
  (#~)  :: SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 8 #~ -- Negation
  (#/^) :: SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 7 #/^ -- Square root
  (#|)  :: SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 7 #| -- Absolute value
  (#+)  :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 5 #+
  (#-)  :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 5 #-
  (#*)  :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 6 #*
  (#/)  :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 6 #/
  (#%)  :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 6 #% -- Modulo
  (#^)  :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 7 #^ -- Exponentiation

  log    :: SValue r -> SValue r
  ln     :: SValue r -> SValue r
  exp    :: SValue r -> SValue r
  sin    :: SValue r -> SValue r
  cos    :: SValue r -> SValue r
  tan    :: SValue r -> SValue r
  csc    :: SValue r -> SValue r
  sec    :: SValue r -> SValue r
  cot    :: SValue r -> SValue r
  arcsin :: SValue r -> SValue r
  arccos :: SValue r -> SValue r
  arctan :: SValue r -> SValue r
  floor  :: SValue r -> SValue r
  ceil   :: SValue r -> SValue r

class (ValueSym r) => BooleanExpression r where
  (?!)  :: SValue r -> SValue r
  infixr 6 ?! -- Boolean 'not'
  (?&&) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 2 ?&&
  (?||) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 1 ?||

class (ValueSym r) => Comparison r where
  (?<)  :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 4 ?<
  (?<=) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 4 ?<=
  (?>)  :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 4 ?>
  (?>=) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 4 ?>=
  (?==) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 3 ?==
  (?!=) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  infixl 3 ?!=

type NamedArgs r = [(SVariable r, SValue r)]
-- Function call with both positional and named arguments
type MixedCall r = Label -> VSType r -> [SValue r] -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r
-- Constructor call with both positional and named arguments
type MixedCtorCall r = VSType r -> [SValue r] -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r
-- Function call with only positional arguments
type PosCall r = Label -> VSType r -> [SValue r] -> SValue r
-- Constructor call with only positional arguments
type PosCtorCall r = VSType r -> [SValue r] -> SValue r

-- for values that can include expressions
class (VariableSym r, ValueSym r) => ValueExpression r where
  inlineIf     :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  funcAppMixedArgs     ::            MixedCall r
  selfFuncAppMixedArgs ::            MixedCall r
  extFuncAppMixedArgs  :: Library -> MixedCall r
  libFuncAppMixedArgs  :: Library -> MixedCall r
  newObjMixedArgs      ::            MixedCtorCall r
  extNewObjMixedArgs   :: Library -> MixedCtorCall r
  libNewObjMixedArgs   :: Library -> MixedCtorCall r

  lambda :: [SVariable r] -> SValue r -> SValue r

  notNull :: SValue r -> SValue r

funcApp          :: (ValueExpression r) =>            PosCall r
funcApp :: forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => PosCall r
funcApp Label
n VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => MixedCall r
funcAppMixedArgs Label
n VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs []

funcAppNamedArgs :: (ValueExpression r) =>            Label -> VSType r ->
  NamedArgs r -> SValue r
funcAppNamedArgs :: forall (r :: * -> *).
ValueExpression r =>
Label -> VSType r -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r
funcAppNamedArgs Label
n VSType r
t = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => MixedCall r
funcAppMixedArgs Label
n VSType r
t []

selfFuncApp      :: (ValueExpression r) =>            PosCall r
selfFuncApp :: forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => PosCall r
selfFuncApp Label
n VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => MixedCall r
selfFuncAppMixedArgs Label
n VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs []

extFuncApp       :: (ValueExpression r) => Library -> PosCall r
extFuncApp :: forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => Label -> PosCall r
extFuncApp Label
l Label
n VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => Label -> MixedCall r
extFuncAppMixedArgs Label
l Label
n VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs []

libFuncApp       :: (ValueExpression r) => Library -> PosCall r
libFuncApp :: forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => Label -> PosCall r
libFuncApp Label
l Label
n VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => Label -> MixedCall r
libFuncAppMixedArgs Label
l Label
n VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs []

newObj           :: (ValueExpression r) =>            PosCtorCall r
newObj :: forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => PosCtorCall r
newObj VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => MixedCtorCall r
newObjMixedArgs VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs []

extNewObj        :: (ValueExpression r) => Library -> PosCtorCall r
extNewObj :: forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => PosCall r
extNewObj Label
l VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => MixedCall r
extNewObjMixedArgs Label
l VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs []

libNewObj        :: (ValueExpression r) => Library -> PosCtorCall r
libNewObj :: forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => PosCall r
libNewObj Label
l VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => MixedCall r
libNewObjMixedArgs Label
l VSType r
t [SValue r]
vs []

exists :: (ValueExpression r) => SValue r -> SValue r
exists :: forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => SValue r -> SValue r
exists = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => SValue r -> SValue r

class (FunctionSym r) => InternalValueExp r where
  objMethodCallMixedArgs' :: Label -> VSType r -> SValue r -> [SValue r] -> 
    NamedArgs r -> SValue r

objMethodCall :: (InternalValueExp r) => VSType r -> SValue r -> Label -> 
  [SValue r] -> SValue r
objMethodCall :: forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalValueExp r =>
VSType r -> SValue r -> Label -> [SValue r] -> SValue r
objMethodCall VSType r
t SValue r
o Label
f [SValue r]
ps = forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalValueExp r =>
-> VSType r -> SValue r -> [SValue r] -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r
objMethodCallMixedArgs' Label
f VSType r
t SValue r
o [SValue r]
ps []

objMethodCallNamedArgs :: (InternalValueExp r) => VSType r -> SValue r -> Label 
  -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r
objMethodCallNamedArgs :: forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalValueExp r =>
VSType r -> SValue r -> Label -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r
objMethodCallNamedArgs VSType r
t SValue r
o Label
f = forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalValueExp r =>
-> VSType r -> SValue r -> [SValue r] -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r
objMethodCallMixedArgs' Label
f VSType r
t SValue r
o []

objMethodCallMixedArgs :: (InternalValueExp r) => VSType r -> SValue r -> Label 
  -> [SValue r] -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r
objMethodCallMixedArgs :: forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalValueExp r =>
VSType r
-> SValue r -> Label -> [SValue r] -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r
objMethodCallMixedArgs VSType r
t SValue r
o Label
f = forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalValueExp r =>
-> VSType r -> SValue r -> [SValue r] -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r
objMethodCallMixedArgs' Label
f VSType r
t SValue r

objMethodCallNoParams :: (InternalValueExp r) => VSType r -> SValue r -> Label 
  -> SValue r
objMethodCallNoParams :: forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalValueExp r =>
VSType r -> SValue r -> Label -> SValue r
objMethodCallNoParams VSType r
t SValue r
o Label
f = forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalValueExp r =>
VSType r -> SValue r -> Label -> [SValue r] -> SValue r
objMethodCall VSType r
t SValue r
o Label
f []

type VSFunction a = VS (a (Function a))

class (ValueSym r) => FunctionSym r where
  type Function r
  func :: Label -> VSType r -> [SValue r] -> VSFunction r
  objAccess :: SValue r -> VSFunction r -> SValue r

($.) :: (FunctionSym r) => SValue r -> VSFunction r -> SValue r
infixl 9 $.
$. :: forall (r :: * -> *).
FunctionSym r =>
SValue r -> VSFunction r -> SValue r
($.) = forall (r :: * -> *).
FunctionSym r =>
SValue r -> VSFunction r -> SValue r

selfAccess :: (VariableValue r, FunctionSym r) => VSFunction r -> SValue r
selfAccess :: forall (r :: * -> *).
(VariableValue r, FunctionSym r) =>
VSFunction r -> SValue r
selfAccess = forall (r :: * -> *).
FunctionSym r =>
SValue r -> VSFunction r -> SValue r
objAccess (forall (r :: * -> *). VariableValue r => SVariable r -> SValue r
valueOf forall (r :: * -> *). VariableSym r => SVariable r

class (ValueSym r, VariableSym r) => GetSet r where
  get :: SValue r -> SVariable r -> SValue r
  set :: SValue r -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> SValue r

class (ValueSym r) => List r where
  listSize   :: SValue r -> SValue r
  listAdd    :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  listAppend :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  listAccess :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  listSet    :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  indexOf :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r

class (ValueSym r) => InternalList r where
  listSlice'      :: Maybe (SValue r) -> Maybe (SValue r) -> Maybe (SValue r) 
    -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSBlock r
listSlice :: (InternalList r) => SVariable r -> SValue r -> Maybe (SValue r) -> 
  Maybe (SValue r) -> Maybe (SValue r) -> MSBlock r
listSlice :: forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalList r =>
SVariable r
-> SValue r
-> Maybe (SValue r)
-> Maybe (SValue r)
-> Maybe (SValue r)
-> MSBlock r
listSlice SVariable r
vnew SValue r
vold Maybe (SValue r)
b Maybe (SValue r)
e Maybe (SValue r)
s = forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalList r =>
Maybe (SValue r)
-> Maybe (SValue r)
-> Maybe (SValue r)
-> SVariable r
-> SValue r
-> MSBlock r
listSlice' Maybe (SValue r)
b Maybe (SValue r)
e Maybe (SValue r)
s SVariable r
vnew SValue r

listIndexExists :: (List r, Comparison r) => SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
listIndexExists :: forall (r :: * -> *).
(List r, Comparison r) =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
listIndexExists SValue r
lst SValue r
index = forall (r :: * -> *). List r => SValue r -> SValue r
listSize SValue r
lst forall (r :: * -> *).
Comparison r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
?> SValue r

at :: (List r) => SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
at :: forall (r :: * -> *). List r => SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
at = forall (r :: * -> *). List r => SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r

type VSThunk a = VS (a (Thunk a))

class ThunkSym r where
  -- K.Type -> K.Type annotation needed because r is not applied here so its
  -- kind cannot be inferred (whereas for Value, r is applied in the type
  -- signature of valueType
  type Thunk (r :: K.Type -> K.Type)

class (VariableSym r, ThunkSym r, StatementSym r) => ThunkAssign r where
  thunkAssign :: SVariable r -> VSThunk r -> MSStatement r

class TypeSym r => VectorType r where
  vecType :: VSType r -> VSType r

class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => VectorDecl r where
  vecDec :: Integer -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  vecDecDef :: SVariable r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r

class (VariableSym r, ThunkSym r) => VectorThunk r where
  vecThunk :: SVariable r -> VSThunk r

class (ThunkSym r, ValueSym r) => VectorExpression r where
  vecScale :: SValue r -> VSThunk r -> VSThunk r
  vecAdd :: VSThunk r -> VSThunk r -> VSThunk r
  vecIndex :: SValue r -> VSThunk r -> SValue r
  vecDot :: VSThunk r -> VSThunk r -> VSThunk r

type MSStatement a = MS (a (Statement a))

class (ValueSym r) => StatementSym r where
  type Statement r
  valStmt :: SValue r -> MSStatement r -- converts value to statement
  multi     :: [MSStatement r] -> MSStatement r

class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => AssignStatement r where
  (&-=)  :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  infixl 1 &-=
  (&+=)  :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  infixl 1 &+=
  (&++)  :: SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  infixl 8 &++
  (&--)  :: SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  infixl 8 &--

  assign :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r

(&=) :: (AssignStatement r) => SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
infixr 1 &=
&= :: forall (r :: * -> *).
AssignStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
(&=) = forall (r :: * -> *).
AssignStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r

assignToListIndex :: (StatementSym r, VariableValue r, List r) => SVariable r 
  -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
assignToListIndex :: forall (r :: * -> *).
(StatementSym r, VariableValue r, List r) =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
assignToListIndex SVariable r
lst SValue r
index SValue r
v = forall (r :: * -> *). StatementSym r => SValue r -> MSStatement r
valStmt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *).
List r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
listSet (forall (r :: * -> *). VariableValue r => SVariable r -> SValue r
valueOf SVariable r
lst) SValue r
index SValue r

class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => DeclStatement r where
  varDec       :: SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  varDecDef    :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  listDec      :: Integer -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  listDecDef   :: SVariable r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
  arrayDec     :: Integer -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  arrayDecDef  :: SVariable r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
  objDecDef    :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  objDecNew    :: SVariable r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
  extObjDecNew :: Library -> SVariable r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
  constDecDef  :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  funcDecDef   :: SVariable r -> [SVariable r] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
objDecNewNoParams :: (DeclStatement r) => SVariable r -> MSStatement r
objDecNewNoParams :: forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
SVariable r -> MSStatement r
objDecNewNoParams SVariable r
v = forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
SVariable r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
objDecNew SVariable r
v []

extObjDecNewNoParams :: (DeclStatement r) => Library -> SVariable r -> 
  MSStatement r
extObjDecNewNoParams :: forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
Label -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r
extObjDecNewNoParams Label
l SVariable r
v = forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
Label -> SVariable r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
extObjDecNew Label
l SVariable r
v []

class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => IOStatement r where
  print      :: SValue r -> MSStatement r
  printLn    :: SValue r -> MSStatement r
  printStr   :: String -> MSStatement r
  printStrLn :: String -> MSStatement r

  printFile      :: SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  printFileLn    :: SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  printFileStr   :: SValue r -> String -> MSStatement r
  printFileStrLn :: SValue r -> String -> MSStatement r

  getInput         :: SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  discardInput     :: MSStatement r
  getFileInput     :: SValue r -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  discardFileInput :: SValue r -> MSStatement r

  openFileR :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  openFileW :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  openFileA :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  closeFile :: SValue r -> MSStatement r

  getFileInputLine :: SValue r -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  discardFileLine  :: SValue r -> MSStatement r
  getFileInputAll  :: SValue r -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r

class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => StringStatement r where
  stringSplit :: Char -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r

  stringListVals  :: [SVariable r] -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  stringListLists :: [SVariable r] -> SValue r -> MSStatement r

type InOutCall r = Label -> [SValue r] -> [SVariable r] -> [SVariable r] -> 
  MSStatement r

class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => FuncAppStatement r where
  -- The three lists are inputs, outputs, and both, respectively
  inOutCall     ::            InOutCall r
  selfInOutCall ::            InOutCall r
  extInOutCall  :: Library -> InOutCall r

class (StatementSym r) => CommentStatement r where
  comment :: Comment -> MSStatement r

class (BodySym r, VariableSym r) => ControlStatement r where
  break :: MSStatement r
  continue :: MSStatement r

  returnStmt :: SValue r -> MSStatement r

  throw :: Label -> MSStatement r

  ifCond     :: [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
  switch     :: SValue r -> [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r

  ifExists :: SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r

  for      :: MSStatement r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r -> MSBody r -> 
    MSStatement r
  forRange :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSBody r -> 
    MSStatement r
  forEach  :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
  while    :: SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r 

  tryCatch :: MSBody r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r

ifNoElse :: (ControlStatement r) => [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSStatement r
ifNoElse :: forall (r :: * -> *).
ControlStatement r =>
[(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSStatement r
ifNoElse [(SValue r, MSBody r)]
bs = forall (r :: * -> *).
ControlStatement r =>
[(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
ifCond [(SValue r, MSBody r)]
bs forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *). BodySym r => [MSBlock r] -> MSBody r
body []

switchAsIf :: (ControlStatement r, Comparison r) => SValue r -> 
  [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
switchAsIf :: forall (r :: * -> *).
(ControlStatement r, Comparison r) =>
SValue r -> [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
switchAsIf SValue r
v = forall (r :: * -> *).
ControlStatement r =>
[(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
ifCond forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (forall (p :: * -> * -> *) a b c.
Bifunctor p =>
(a -> b) -> p a c -> p b c
first (SValue r
v forall (r :: * -> *).
Comparison r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r

class (BodySym r) => StatePattern r where
  checkState      :: Label -> [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> 
    MSStatement r

initState :: (DeclStatement r, Literal r) => Label -> Label -> MSStatement r
initState :: forall (r :: * -> *).
(DeclStatement r, Literal r) =>
Label -> Label -> MSStatement r
initState Label
fsmName Label
initialState = forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
varDecDef (forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableSym r =>
Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
var Label
fsmName forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
  (forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => Label -> SValue r
litString Label

changeState :: (AssignStatement r, Literal r) => Label -> Label -> MSStatement r
changeState :: forall (r :: * -> *).
(AssignStatement r, Literal r) =>
Label -> Label -> MSStatement r
changeState Label
fsmName Label
toState = forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableSym r =>
Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
var Label
fsmName forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
string forall (r :: * -> *).
AssignStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
&= forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => Label -> SValue r
litString Label

class (StatementSym r, FunctionSym r) => ObserverPattern r where
  notifyObservers :: VSFunction r -> VSType r -> MSStatement r

observerListName :: Label
observerListName :: Label
observerListName = Label

initObserverList :: (DeclStatement r) => VSType r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
initObserverList :: forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
VSType r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
initObserverList VSType r
t = forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
SVariable r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
listDecDef (forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableSym r =>
Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
var Label
observerListName (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r -> VSType r
listType VSType r

addObserver :: (StatementSym r, VariableValue r, List r) => SValue r -> 
  MSStatement r
addObserver :: forall (r :: * -> *).
(StatementSym r, VariableValue r, List r) =>
SValue r -> MSStatement r
addObserver SValue r
o = forall (r :: * -> *). StatementSym r => SValue r -> MSStatement r
valStmt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *).
List r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
listAdd SValue r
obsList SValue r
lastelem SValue r
  where obsList :: SValue r
obsList = forall (r :: * -> *). VariableValue r => SVariable r -> SValue r
valueOf forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Label
observerListName forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableSym r =>
Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
`listOf` forall a b s. (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
onStateValue forall (r :: * -> *). ValueSym r => r (Value r) -> r (Type r)
valueType SValue r
        lastelem :: SValue r
lastelem = forall (r :: * -> *). List r => SValue r -> SValue r
listSize SValue r

class (BodySym r, VariableSym r) => StrategyPattern r where
  runStrategy     :: Label -> [(Label, MSBody r)] -> Maybe (SValue r) -> 
    Maybe (SVariable r) -> MSBlock r

class ScopeSym r where
  type Scope r
  private :: r (Scope r)
  public  :: r (Scope r)

type MSParameter a = MS (a (Parameter a))

class (VariableSym r) => ParameterSym r where
  type Parameter r
  param :: SVariable r -> MSParameter r
  pointerParam :: SVariable r -> MSParameter r

type SMethod a = MS (a (Method a))
type Initializers r = [(SVariable r, SValue r)]

-- The three lists are inputs, outputs, and both, respectively
type InOutFunc r = [SVariable r] -> [SVariable r] -> [SVariable r] -> 
  MSBody r -> SMethod r
-- Parameters are: brief description of function, input descriptions and 
-- variables, output descriptions and variables, descriptions and variables 
-- for parameters that are both input and output, function body
type DocInOutFunc r = String -> [(String, SVariable r)] -> 
  [(String, SVariable r)] -> [(String, SVariable r)] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r

class (BodySym r, ParameterSym r, ScopeSym r, PermanenceSym r) => MethodSym r 
  type Method r
  method      :: Label -> r (Scope r) -> r (Permanence r) -> VSType r -> 
    [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
  getMethod   :: SVariable r -> SMethod r
  setMethod   :: SVariable r -> SMethod r 
  constructor :: [MSParameter r] -> Initializers r -> MSBody r -> SMethod r

  docMain :: MSBody r -> SMethod r

  function :: Label -> r (Scope r) -> VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> 
    MSBody r -> SMethod r
  mainFunction  :: MSBody r -> SMethod r
  -- Parameters are: function description, parameter descriptions, 
  --   return value description if applicable, function
  docFunc :: String -> [String] -> Maybe String -> SMethod r -> SMethod r

  -- inOutMethod and docInOutMethod both need the Permanence parameter
  inOutMethod :: Label -> r (Scope r) -> r (Permanence r) -> InOutFunc r
  docInOutMethod :: Label -> r (Scope r) -> r (Permanence r) -> DocInOutFunc r
  -- inOutFunc and docInOutFunc both do not need the Permanence parameter
  inOutFunc :: Label -> r (Scope r) -> InOutFunc r
  docInOutFunc :: Label -> r (Scope r) -> DocInOutFunc r

privMethod :: (MethodSym r) => Label -> VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r 
  -> SMethod r
privMethod :: forall (r :: * -> *).
MethodSym r =>
Label -> VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
privMethod Label
n = forall (r :: * -> *).
MethodSym r =>
-> r (Scope r)
-> r (Permanence r)
-> VSType r
-> [MSParameter r]
-> MSBody r
-> SMethod r
method Label
n forall (r :: * -> *). ScopeSym r => r (Scope r)
private forall (r :: * -> *). PermanenceSym r => r (Permanence r)

pubMethod :: (MethodSym r) => Label -> VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r 
  -> SMethod r
pubMethod :: forall (r :: * -> *).
MethodSym r =>
Label -> VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
pubMethod Label
n = forall (r :: * -> *).
MethodSym r =>
-> r (Scope r)
-> r (Permanence r)
-> VSType r
-> [MSParameter r]
-> MSBody r
-> SMethod r
method Label
n forall (r :: * -> *). ScopeSym r => r (Scope r)
public forall (r :: * -> *). PermanenceSym r => r (Permanence r)

initializer :: (MethodSym r) => [MSParameter r] -> Initializers r -> SMethod r
initializer :: forall (r :: * -> *).
MethodSym r =>
[MSParameter r] -> Initializers r -> SMethod r
initializer [MSParameter r]
ps Initializers r
is = forall (r :: * -> *).
MethodSym r =>
[MSParameter r] -> Initializers r -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
constructor [MSParameter r]
ps Initializers r
is (forall (r :: * -> *). BodySym r => [MSBlock r] -> MSBody r
body [])

nonInitConstructor :: (MethodSym r) => [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
nonInitConstructor :: forall (r :: * -> *).
MethodSym r =>
[MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
nonInitConstructor [MSParameter r]
ps = forall (r :: * -> *).
MethodSym r =>
[MSParameter r] -> Initializers r -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
constructor [MSParameter r]
ps []

type CSStateVar a = CS (a (StateVar a))

class (ScopeSym r, PermanenceSym r, VariableSym r) => StateVarSym r where
  type StateVar r
  stateVar :: r (Scope r) -> r (Permanence r) -> SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
  stateVarDef :: r (Scope r) -> r (Permanence r) -> SVariable r -> 
    SValue r -> CSStateVar r
  constVar :: r (Scope r) ->  SVariable r -> SValue r -> CSStateVar r

privDVar :: (StateVarSym r) => SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
privDVar :: forall (r :: * -> *). StateVarSym r => SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
privDVar = forall (r :: * -> *).
StateVarSym r =>
r (Scope r) -> r (Permanence r) -> SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
stateVar forall (r :: * -> *). ScopeSym r => r (Scope r)
private forall (r :: * -> *). PermanenceSym r => r (Permanence r)

pubDVar :: (StateVarSym r) => SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
pubDVar :: forall (r :: * -> *). StateVarSym r => SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
pubDVar = forall (r :: * -> *).
StateVarSym r =>
r (Scope r) -> r (Permanence r) -> SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
stateVar forall (r :: * -> *). ScopeSym r => r (Scope r)
public forall (r :: * -> *). PermanenceSym r => r (Permanence r)

pubSVar :: (StateVarSym r) => SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
pubSVar :: forall (r :: * -> *). StateVarSym r => SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
pubSVar = forall (r :: * -> *).
StateVarSym r =>
r (Scope r) -> r (Permanence r) -> SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
stateVar forall (r :: * -> *). ScopeSym r => r (Scope r)
public forall (r :: * -> *). PermanenceSym r => r (Permanence r)

type SClass a = CS (a (Class a))

class (MethodSym r, StateVarSym r) => ClassSym r where
  type Class r
  buildClass :: Maybe Label -> [CSStateVar r] -> [SMethod r] -> 
    SClass r
  extraClass :: Label -> Maybe Label -> [CSStateVar r] -> [SMethod r] -> 
    SClass r
  implementingClass :: Label -> [Label] -> [CSStateVar r] -> [SMethod r] -> 
    SClass r

  docClass :: String -> SClass r -> SClass r

type FSModule a = FS (a (Module a))

class (ClassSym r) => ModuleSym r where
  type Module r
  buildModule :: Label -> [Label] -> [SMethod r] -> [SClass r] -> FSModule r

-- Utility

convType :: (TypeSym r) => CodeType -> VSType r
convType :: forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => CodeType -> VSType r
convType CodeType
Boolean = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
convType CodeType
Integer = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
convType CodeType
Float = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
convType CodeType
Double = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
convType CodeType
Char = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
convType CodeType
String = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
convType (List CodeType
t) = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r -> VSType r
listType (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => CodeType -> VSType r
convType CodeType
convType (Array CodeType
t) = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r -> VSType r
arrayType (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => CodeType -> VSType r
convType CodeType
convType (Object Label
n) = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => Label -> VSType r
obj Label
convType (Func [CodeType]
ps CodeType
r) = forall (r :: * -> *).
TypeSym r =>
[VSType r] -> VSType r -> VSType r
funcType (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => CodeType -> VSType r
convType [CodeType]
ps) (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => CodeType -> VSType r
convType CodeType
convType CodeType
Void = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
convType CodeType
InFile = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
convType CodeType
OutFile = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r