drasil-build- A framework for code and document generation for scientific software - Build System SubPackage
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Defines printers for generating Makefiles.



genMake :: RuleTransformer c => [c] -> Doc Source #

Generates the makefile by calling build after toMake.

build :: Makefile -> Doc Source #

Renders the makefile rules.

printRule :: Rule -> Doc Source #

Renders specific makefile rules. Called by build.

printComment :: Comment -> Doc Source #

Renders a makefile comment

wrapSettings :: WrapSettings Source #

printComments :: Annotation -> Doc Source #

Renders multiple comments

printPhony :: [Rule] -> Doc Source #

Gathers all rules to abstract targets and tags them as phony.

printTarget :: Target -> Dependencies -> Doc Source #

Renders targets with their dependencies.

printCmd :: Command -> Doc Source #

Renders a makefile command.

printCmds :: [Command] -> Doc Source #

Renders multiple commands.