drasil-lang- A framework for code and document generation for scientific software - Language SubPackage
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



For adding an uncertainty value to quantities with constraints.


Chunk Types

data UncertQ Source #

UncertQs are conceptual symbolic quantities with constraints and an Uncertainty. Contains a ConstrConcept and an Uncertainty.

Ex. Measuring the length of a pendulum arm may be recorded with an uncertainty value.


Instances details
Idea UncertQ Source #

Finds the idea contained in the ConstrConcept used to make the UncertQ.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity

NamedIdea UncertQ Source #

Finds term (NP) of the ConstrConcept used to make the UncertQ.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity


term :: Lens' UncertQ NP Source #

MayHaveUnit UncertQ Source #

Finds the units of the ConstrConcept used to make the UncertQ.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity

ConceptDomain UncertQ Source #

Finds the domain contained in the ConstrConcept used to make the UncertQ.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity


cdom :: UncertQ -> [UID] Source #

Constrained UncertQ Source #

Finds the Constraints of a ConstrConcept used to make the UncertQ.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity

Definition UncertQ Source #

Finds definition of the ConstrConcept used to make the UncertQ.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity


defn :: Lens' UncertQ Sentence Source #

HasReasVal UncertQ Source #

Finds a reasonable value for the ConstrConcept used to make the UncertQ.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity


reasVal :: Lens' UncertQ (Maybe Expr) Source #

Quantity UncertQ Source #

UncertQs have a Quantity.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity

Express UncertQ Source #

Convert the symbol of the UncertQ to a ModelExpr.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity

HasSpace UncertQ Source #

Finds the Space of the ConstrConcept used to make the UncertQ.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity


typ :: Getter UncertQ Space Source #

HasSymbol UncertQ Source #

Finds the Symbol of the ConstrConcept used to make the UncertQ.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity


symbol :: UncertQ -> Stage -> Symbol Source #

HasUID UncertQ Source #

Finds UID of the ConstrConcept used to make the UncertQ.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity


uid :: Lens' UncertQ UID Source #

HasUncertainty UncertQ Source #

Finds the uncertainty of an UncertQ.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity


unc :: Lens' UncertQ Uncertainty Source #

Eq UncertQ Source #

Equal if UIDs are equal.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity


(==) :: UncertQ -> UncertQ -> Bool #

(/=) :: UncertQ -> UncertQ -> Bool #

data UncertainChunk Source #

UncertainChunk is a symbolic quantity with constraints, a typical value, and an uncertainty. Contains a ConstrainedChunk and an Uncertainty.

Ex. Measuring the length of a pendulum arm may be recorded with an uncertainty value.




Instances details
Idea UncertainChunk Source #

Finds the idea contained in the ConstrainedChunk used to make the UncertainChunk.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity

NamedIdea UncertainChunk Source #

Finds term (NP) of the ConstrainedChunk used to make the UncertainChunk.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity


term :: Lens' UncertainChunk NP Source #

MayHaveUnit UncertainChunk Source #

Finds units contained in the ConstrainedChunk used to make the UncertainChunk.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity

Constrained UncertainChunk Source #

Finds the Constraints of the ConstrainedChunk used to make the UncertainChunk.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity

HasReasVal UncertainChunk Source #

Finds a reasonable value for the ConstrainedChunk used to make the UncertainChunk.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity

Quantity UncertainChunk Source #

UncertainChunks have a Quantity.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity

HasSpace UncertainChunk Source #

Finds the Space of the ConstrainedChunk used to make the UncertainChunk.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity


typ :: Getter UncertainChunk Space Source #

HasSymbol UncertainChunk Source #

Finds the Symbol of the ConstrainedChunk used to make the UncertainChunk.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity

HasUID UncertainChunk Source #

Finds UID of the ConstrainedChunk used to make the UncertainChunk.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity


uid :: Lens' UncertainChunk UID Source #

HasUncertainty UncertainChunk Source #

Finds the uncertainty of an UncertainChunk.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity

Eq UncertainChunk Source #

Equal if UIDs are equal.

Instance details

Defined in Language.Drasil.Chunk.UncertainQuantity


uq :: (Quantity c, Constrained c, Concept c, HasReasVal c, MayHaveUnit c) => c -> Uncertainty -> UncertQ Source #

Smart constructor that requires a Quantity, a percentage, and a typical value with an Uncertainty.

uqc :: IsUnit u => String -> NP -> String -> Symbol -> u -> Space -> [ConstraintE] -> Expr -> Uncertainty -> UncertQ Source #

Uncertainty quantity (uq) but with a constraint.

uqcND :: IsUnit u => String -> NP -> Symbol -> u -> Space -> [ConstraintE] -> Expr -> Uncertainty -> UncertQ Source #

Uncertainty quantity constraint (uqc) without a description.

uncrtnChunk :: (Quantity c, Constrained c, HasReasVal c, MayHaveUnit c) => c -> Uncertainty -> UncertainChunk Source #

Smart constructor that can project to an UncertainChunk (also given an Uncertainty).

uvc :: String -> NP -> Symbol -> Space -> [ConstraintE] -> Expr -> Uncertainty -> UncertainChunk Source #

Creates an uncertain variable chunk. Takes UID, term (NP), Symbol, Space, Constrains, Expr, and Uncertainty.