{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- | The logic to render Python code is contained in this module
module GOOL.Drasil.LanguageRenderer.PythonRenderer (
  -- * Python Code Configuration -- defines syntax of all Python code
  PythonCode(..), pyName, pyVersion
) where

import Utils.Drasil (blank, indent)

import GOOL.Drasil.CodeType (CodeType(..))
import GOOL.Drasil.ClassInterface (Label, Library, VSType, SVariable, SValue, 
  VSFunction, MSStatement, MixedCtorCall, OOProg, ProgramSym(..), FileSym(..),
  PermanenceSym(..), BodySym(..), BlockSym(..), TypeSym(..), TypeElim(..),
  VariableSym(..), VariableElim(..), ValueSym(..), Argument(..), Literal(..),
  litZero, MathConstant(..), VariableValue(..), CommandLineArgs(..),
  NumericExpression(..), BooleanExpression(..), Comparison(..),
  ValueExpression(..), funcApp, selfFuncApp, extFuncApp, extNewObj,
  InternalValueExp(..), objMethodCall, FunctionSym(..), GetSet(..), List(..),
  InternalList(..), ThunkSym(..), VectorType(..), VectorDecl(..),
  VectorThunk(..), VectorExpression(..), ThunkAssign(..), StatementSym(..),
  AssignStatement(..), (&=), DeclStatement(..), IOStatement(..),
  StringStatement(..), FuncAppStatement(..), CommentStatement(..),
  ControlStatement(..), switchAsIf, StatePattern(..), ObserverPattern(..),
  StrategyPattern(..), ScopeSym(..), ParameterSym(..), MethodSym(..),
  StateVarSym(..), ClassSym(..), ModuleSym(..))
import GOOL.Drasil.RendererClasses (RenderSym, RenderFile(..), ImportSym(..), 
  ImportElim, PermElim(binding), RenderBody(..), BodyElim, RenderBlock(..), 
  BlockElim, RenderType(..), InternalTypeElim, UnaryOpSym(..), BinaryOpSym(..), 
  OpElim(uOpPrec, bOpPrec), RenderVariable(..), InternalVarElim(variableBind), 
  RenderValue(..), ValueElim(valuePrec), InternalGetSet(..), 
  InternalListFunc(..), RenderFunction(..), 
  FunctionElim(functionType), InternalAssignStmt(..), InternalIOStmt(..), 
  InternalControlStmt(..), RenderStatement(..), StatementElim(statementTerm), 
  RenderScope(..), ScopeElim, MethodTypeSym(..), RenderParam(..), 
  ParamElim(parameterName, parameterType), RenderMethod(..), MethodElim, 
  StateVarElim, RenderClass(..), ClassElim, RenderMod(..), ModuleElim, 
  BlockCommentSym(..), BlockCommentElim)
import qualified GOOL.Drasil.RendererClasses as RC (import', perm, body, block, 
  type', uOp, bOp, variable, value, function, statement, scope, parameter,
  method, stateVar, class', module', blockComment')
import GOOL.Drasil.LanguageRenderer (classDec, dot, ifLabel, elseLabel, 
  forLabel, inLabel, whileLabel, tryLabel, importLabel, exceptionObj', listSep',
  argv, printLabel, listSep, piLabel, access, functionDox, variableList, 
import qualified GOOL.Drasil.LanguageRenderer as R (sqrt, fabs, log10, 
  log, exp, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, floor, ceil, multiStmt, body, 
  classVar, listSetFunc, castObj, dynamic, break, continue, addComments, 
  commentedMod, commentedItem)
import GOOL.Drasil.LanguageRenderer.Constructors (mkStmtNoEnd, mkStateVal, 
  mkVal, mkStateVar, VSOp, unOpPrec, powerPrec, multPrec, andPrec, orPrec, 
  unExpr, unExpr', typeUnExpr, binExpr, typeBinExpr)
import qualified GOOL.Drasil.LanguageRenderer.LanguagePolymorphic as G (
  multiBody, block, multiBlock, listInnerType, obj, negateOp, csc, sec, cot,
  equalOp, notEqualOp, greaterOp, greaterEqualOp, lessOp, lessEqualOp, plusOp,
  minusOp, multOp, divideOp, moduloOp, var, staticVar, objVar, arrayElem,
  litChar, litDouble, litInt, litString, valueOf, arg, argsList, objAccess,
  objMethodCall, call, funcAppMixedArgs, selfFuncAppMixedArgs, newObjMixedArgs,
  lambda, func, get, set, listAdd, listAppend, listAccess, listSet, getFunc,
  setFunc, listAppendFunc, stmt, loopStmt, emptyStmt, assign, subAssign,
  increment, objDecNew, print, closeFile, returnStmt, valStmt, comment, throw,
  ifCond, tryCatch, construct, param, method, getMethod, setMethod, function,
  buildClass, implementingClass, commentedClass, modFromData, fileDoc,
import qualified GOOL.Drasil.LanguageRenderer.CommonPseudoOO as CP (int,
  constructor, doxFunc, doxClass, doxMod, extVar, classVar, objVarSelf,
  extFuncAppMixedArgs, indexOf, listAddFunc, discardFileLine, intClass, 
  funcType, buildModule, bindingError, notNull, listDecDef, destructorError, 
  stateVarDef, constVar, litArray, listSetFunc, extraClass, listAccessFunc, 
  multiAssign, multiReturn, listDec, funcDecDef, inOutCall, forLoopError, 
  mainBody, inOutFunc, docInOutFunc')
import qualified GOOL.Drasil.LanguageRenderer.Macros as M (ifExists, 
  decrement1, increment1, runStrategy, stringListVals, stringListLists, 
  notifyObservers', checkState)
import GOOL.Drasil.AST (Terminator(..), FileType(..), FileData(..), fileD, 
  FuncData(..), fd, ModData(..), md, updateMod, MethodData(..), mthd,
  updateMthd, OpData(..), ParamData(..), pd, ProgData(..), progD, TypeData(..),
  td, ValData(..), vd, VarData(..), vard, CommonThunk, pureValue, vectorize,
  vectorize2, sumComponents, commonVecIndex, commonThunkElim, commonThunkDim)
import GOOL.Drasil.Helpers (vibcat, emptyIfEmpty, toCode, toState, onCodeValue,
  onStateValue, on2CodeValues, on2StateValues, onCodeList, onStateList, on2StateWrapped)
import GOOL.Drasil.State (MS, VS, lensGStoFS, lensMStoVS, lensVStoMS, 
  revFiles, addLangImportVS, getLangImports, addLibImportVS, 
  getLibImports, addModuleImport, addModuleImportVS, getModuleImports, 
  setFileType, getClassName, setCurrMain, getClassMap, getMainDoc, useVarName,

import Prelude hiding (break,print,sin,cos,tan,floor,(<>))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Lens.Zoom (zoom)
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.State (modify)
import Data.List (intercalate, sort)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (lookup)
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (Doc, text, (<>), (<+>), parens, empty, equals,
  vcat, colon, brackets, isEmpty, quotes)
import GOOL.Drasil.LanguageRenderer.LanguagePolymorphic (OptionalSpace(..))

pyExt :: String
pyExt :: String
pyExt = String

newtype PythonCode a = PC {forall a. PythonCode a -> a
unPC :: a}

instance Functor PythonCode where
  fmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> PythonCode a -> PythonCode b
fmap a -> b
f (PC a
x) = forall a. a -> PythonCode a
PC (a -> b
f a

instance Applicative PythonCode where
  pure :: forall a. a -> PythonCode a
pure = forall a. a -> PythonCode a
  (PC a -> b
f) <*> :: forall a b. PythonCode (a -> b) -> PythonCode a -> PythonCode b
<*> (PC a
x) = forall a. a -> PythonCode a
PC (a -> b
f a

instance Monad PythonCode where
  PC a
x >>= :: forall a b. PythonCode a -> (a -> PythonCode b) -> PythonCode b
>>= a -> PythonCode b
f = a -> PythonCode b
f a

instance OOProg PythonCode

instance ProgramSym PythonCode where
  type Program PythonCode = ProgData 
  prog :: String -> String -> [SFile PythonCode] -> GSProgram PythonCode
prog String
n String
st [SFile PythonCode]
files = do
    [PythonCode FileData]
fs <- forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
mapM (forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' GOOLState FileState
lensGStoFS) [SFile PythonCode]
    forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify GOOLState -> GOOLState
    forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => ([a] -> b) -> [m a] -> m b
onCodeList (String -> String -> [FileData] -> ProgData
progD String
n String
st) [PythonCode FileData]

instance RenderSym PythonCode

instance FileSym PythonCode where
  type File PythonCode = FileData
  fileDoc :: FSModule PythonCode -> SFile PythonCode
fileDoc FSModule PythonCode
m = do
    forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify (FileType -> FileState -> FileState
setFileType FileType
    forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
-> (r (Module r) -> r (Block r))
-> r (Block r)
-> FSModule r
-> SFile r
G.fileDoc String
pyExt forall (r :: * -> *). RenderFile r => r (Module r) -> r (Block r)
top forall (r :: * -> *). RenderFile r => r (Block r)
bottom FSModule PythonCode

  docMod :: String
-> [String] -> String -> SFile PythonCode -> SFile PythonCode
docMod = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> String -> [String] -> String -> SFile r -> SFile r
CP.doxMod String

instance RenderFile PythonCode where
  top :: PythonCode (Module PythonCode) -> PythonCode (Block PythonCode)
top PythonCode (Module PythonCode)
_ = forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode Doc
  bottom :: PythonCode (Block PythonCode)
bottom = forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode Doc
  commentedMod :: SFile PythonCode
-> FS (PythonCode (BlockComment PythonCode)) -> SFile PythonCode
commentedMod = forall a b c s.
(a -> b -> c) -> State s a -> State s b -> State s c
on2StateValues (forall (r :: * -> *) a b c.
Applicative r =>
(a -> b -> c) -> r a -> r b -> r c
on2CodeValues FileData -> Doc -> FileData

  fileFromData :: String -> FSModule PythonCode -> SFile PythonCode
fileFromData = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(String -> r (Module r) -> r (File r))
-> String -> FSModule r -> SFile r
G.fileFromData (forall (r :: * -> *) a b. Functor r => (a -> b) -> r a -> r b
onCodeValue forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> ModData -> FileData

instance ImportSym PythonCode where
  type Import PythonCode = Doc
  langImport :: String -> PythonCode (Import PythonCode)
langImport String
n = forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc
importLabel Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> String -> Doc
text String
  modImport :: String -> PythonCode (Import PythonCode)
modImport = forall (r :: * -> *). ImportSym r => String -> r (Import r)

instance ImportElim PythonCode where
  import' :: PythonCode (Import PythonCode) -> Doc
import' = forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance PermanenceSym PythonCode where
  type Permanence PythonCode = Doc
  static :: PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
static = forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode Doc
  dynamic :: PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
dynamic = forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode Doc

instance PermElim PythonCode where
  perm :: PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode) -> Doc
perm = forall a. PythonCode a -> a
  binding :: PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode) -> Binding
binding = forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> String
CP.bindingError String

instance BodySym PythonCode where
  type Body PythonCode = Doc
  body :: [MSBlock PythonCode] -> MSBody PythonCode
body = forall a b s. ([a] -> b) -> [State s a] -> State s b
onStateList (forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => ([a] -> b) -> [m a] -> m b
onCodeList [Doc] -> Doc

  addComments :: String -> MSBody PythonCode -> MSBody PythonCode
addComments String
s = forall a b s. (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
onStateValue (forall (r :: * -> *) a b. Functor r => (a -> b) -> r a -> r b
onCodeValue (String -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
R.addComments String
s Doc

instance RenderBody PythonCode where
  multiBody :: [MSBody PythonCode] -> MSBody PythonCode
multiBody = forall (r :: * -> *).
(RenderSym r, Monad r) =>
[MSBody r] -> MS (r Doc)

instance BodyElim PythonCode where
  body :: PythonCode (Body PythonCode) -> Doc
body = forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance BlockSym PythonCode where
  type Block PythonCode = Doc
  block :: [MSStatement PythonCode] -> MSBlock PythonCode
block = forall (r :: * -> *).
(RenderSym r, Monad r) =>
[MSStatement r] -> MS (r Doc)

instance RenderBlock PythonCode where
  multiBlock :: [MSBlock PythonCode] -> MSBlock PythonCode
multiBlock = forall (r :: * -> *).
(RenderSym r, Monad r) =>
[MSBlock r] -> MS (r Doc)

instance BlockElim PythonCode where
  block :: PythonCode (Block PythonCode) -> Doc
block = forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance TypeSym PythonCode where
  type Type PythonCode = TypeData
  bool :: VSType PythonCode
bool = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderType r =>
CodeType -> String -> Doc -> VSType r
typeFromData CodeType
Boolean String
"" Doc
  int :: VSType PythonCode
int = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r
  float :: VSType PythonCode
float = forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
  double :: VSType PythonCode
double = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderType r =>
CodeType -> String -> Doc -> VSType r
typeFromData CodeType
Double String
pyDouble (String -> Doc
text String
  char :: VSType PythonCode
char = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderType r =>
CodeType -> String -> Doc -> VSType r
typeFromData CodeType
Char String
"" Doc
  string :: VSType PythonCode
string = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r
  infile :: VSType PythonCode
infile = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderType r =>
CodeType -> String -> Doc -> VSType r
typeFromData CodeType
InFile String
"" Doc
  outfile :: VSType PythonCode
outfile = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderType r =>
CodeType -> String -> Doc -> VSType r
typeFromData CodeType
OutFile String
"" Doc
  listType :: VSType PythonCode -> VSType PythonCode
listType VSType PythonCode
t' = VSType PythonCode
t' forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>=(\PythonCode TypeData
t -> forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderType r =>
CodeType -> String -> Doc -> VSType r
typeFromData (CodeType -> CodeType
List (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeElim r => r (Type r) -> CodeType
getType PythonCode TypeData
t)) String
"" Doc
  arrayType :: VSType PythonCode -> VSType PythonCode
arrayType = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r -> VSType r
  listInnerType :: VSType PythonCode -> VSType PythonCode
listInnerType = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r -> VSType r
  obj :: String -> VSType PythonCode
obj = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => String -> VSType r
  funcType :: [VSType PythonCode] -> VSType PythonCode -> VSType PythonCode
funcType = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
[VSType r] -> VSType r -> VSType r
  void :: VSType PythonCode
void = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderType r =>
CodeType -> String -> Doc -> VSType r
typeFromData CodeType
Void String
pyVoid (String -> Doc
text String

instance TypeElim PythonCode where
  getType :: PythonCode (Type PythonCode) -> CodeType
getType = TypeData -> CodeType
cType forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a
  getTypeString :: PythonCode (Type PythonCode) -> String
getTypeString = TypeData -> String
typeString forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance RenderType PythonCode where
  multiType :: [VSType PythonCode] -> VSType PythonCode
multiType [VSType PythonCode]
_ = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderType r =>
CodeType -> String -> Doc -> VSType r
typeFromData CodeType
Void String
"" Doc
  typeFromData :: CodeType -> String -> Doc -> VSType PythonCode
typeFromData CodeType
t String
s Doc
d = forall a s. a -> State s a
toState forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CodeType -> String -> Doc -> TypeData
td CodeType
t String
s Doc

instance InternalTypeElim PythonCode where
  type' :: PythonCode (Type PythonCode) -> Doc
type' = TypeData -> Doc
typeDoc forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance UnaryOpSym PythonCode where
  type UnaryOp PythonCode = OpData
  notOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
notOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  negateOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
negateOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  sqrtOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
sqrtOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  absOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
absOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  logOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
logOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  lnOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
lnOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  expOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
expOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  sinOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
sinOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  cosOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
cosOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  tanOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
tanOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  asinOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
asinOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  acosOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
acosOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  atanOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
atanOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  floorOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
floorOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  ceilOp :: VSUnOp PythonCode
ceilOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r

instance BinaryOpSym PythonCode where
  type BinaryOp PythonCode = OpData
  equalOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
equalOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  notEqualOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
notEqualOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  greaterOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
greaterOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  greaterEqualOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
greaterEqualOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  lessOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
lessOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  lessEqualOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
lessEqualOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  plusOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
plusOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  minusOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
minusOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  multOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
multOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  divideOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
divideOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  powerOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
powerOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
powerPrec String
  moduloOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
moduloOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
  andOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
andOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
andPrec String
  orOp :: VSBinOp PythonCode
orOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
orPrec String

instance OpElim PythonCode where
  uOp :: PythonCode (UnaryOp PythonCode) -> Doc
uOp = OpData -> Doc
opDoc forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a
  bOp :: PythonCode (BinaryOp PythonCode) -> Doc
bOp = OpData -> Doc
opDoc forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a
  uOpPrec :: PythonCode (UnaryOp PythonCode) -> Int
uOpPrec = OpData -> Int
opPrec forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a
  bOpPrec :: PythonCode (BinaryOp PythonCode) -> Int
bOpPrec = OpData -> Int
opPrec forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance VariableSym PythonCode where
  type Variable PythonCode = VarData
  var :: String -> VSType PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode
var = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> VSType r -> SVariable r
  staticVar :: String -> VSType PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode
staticVar = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> VSType r -> SVariable r
  constant :: String -> VSType PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode
constant = forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableSym r =>
String -> VSType r -> SVariable r
  extVar :: String -> String -> VSType PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode
extVar String
l String
n VSType PythonCode
t = forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify (String -> ValueState -> ValueState
addModuleImportVS String
l) forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
>> forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> String -> VSType r -> SVariable r
CP.extVar String
l String
n VSType PythonCode
  self :: SVariable PythonCode
self = forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' ValueState MethodState
lensVStoMS MS String
getClassName forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= (\String
l -> forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> VSType r -> Doc -> SVariable r
mkStateVar String
pySelf (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => String -> VSType r
obj String
l) (String -> Doc
text String
  classVar :: VSType PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode
classVar = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -> VSType r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r
CP.classVar Doc -> Doc -> Doc
  extClassVar :: VSType PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode
extClassVar VSType PythonCode
c SVariable PythonCode
v = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => m (m a) -> m a
join forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a b c s.
(a -> b -> c) -> State s a -> State s b -> State s c
on2StateValues (\PythonCode (Type PythonCode)
t Map String String
cm -> forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe forall a. a -> a
id (forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
(>>) forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
    String -> ValueState -> ValueState
addModuleImportVS) (forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeElim r => r (Type r) -> String
getTypeString PythonCode (Type PythonCode)
t) Map String String
cm) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -> VSType r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r
CP.classVar Doc -> Doc -> Doc
pyClassVar (forall a s. a -> State s a
toState PythonCode (Type PythonCode)
t) SVariable PythonCode
v) VSType PythonCode
c VS (Map String String)
  objVar :: SVariable PythonCode
-> SVariable PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode
objVar = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SVariable r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r
  objVarSelf :: SVariable PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode
objVarSelf = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SVariable r -> SVariable r
  arrayElem :: Integer -> SVariable PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode
arrayElem Integer
i = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r
G.arrayElem (forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => Integer -> SValue r
litInt Integer

instance VariableElim PythonCode where
  variableName :: PythonCode (Variable PythonCode) -> String
variableName = VarData -> String
varName forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a
  variableType :: PythonCode (Variable PythonCode) -> PythonCode (Type PythonCode)
variableType = forall (r :: * -> *) a b. Functor r => (a -> b) -> r a -> r b
onCodeValue VarData -> TypeData

instance InternalVarElim PythonCode where
  variableBind :: PythonCode (Variable PythonCode) -> Binding
variableBind = VarData -> Binding
varBind forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a
  variable :: PythonCode (Variable PythonCode) -> Doc
variable = VarData -> Doc
varDoc forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance RenderVariable PythonCode where
  varFromData :: Binding
-> String -> VSType PythonCode -> Doc -> SVariable PythonCode
varFromData Binding
b String
n VSType PythonCode
t' Doc
d = do 
    PythonCode TypeData
t <- VSType PythonCode
    forall a s. a -> State s a
toState forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *) a b c.
Applicative r =>
(a -> b -> c) -> r a -> r b -> r c
on2CodeValues (Binding -> String -> TypeData -> Doc -> VarData
vard Binding
b String
n) PythonCode TypeData
t (forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode Doc

instance ValueSym PythonCode where
  type Value PythonCode = ValData
  valueType :: PythonCode (Value PythonCode) -> PythonCode (Type PythonCode)
valueType = forall (r :: * -> *) a b. Functor r => (a -> b) -> r a -> r b
onCodeValue ValData -> TypeData

instance Argument PythonCode where
  pointerArg :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
pointerArg = forall a. a -> a

instance Literal PythonCode where
  litTrue :: SValue PythonCode
litTrue = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r -> Doc -> SValue r
mkStateVal forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
bool Doc
  litFalse :: SValue PythonCode
litFalse = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r -> Doc -> SValue r
mkStateVal forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
bool Doc
  litChar :: Char -> SValue PythonCode
litChar = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(Doc -> Doc) -> Char -> SValue r
G.litChar Doc -> Doc
  litDouble :: Double -> SValue PythonCode
litDouble = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => Double -> SValue r
  litFloat :: Float -> SValue PythonCode
litFloat = forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
  litInt :: Integer -> SValue PythonCode
litInt = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => Integer -> SValue r
  litString :: String -> SValue PythonCode
litString = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => String -> SValue r
  litArray :: VSType PythonCode -> [SValue PythonCode] -> SValue PythonCode
litArray = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(Doc -> Doc) -> VSType r -> [SValue r] -> SValue r
CP.litArray Doc -> Doc
  litList :: VSType PythonCode -> [SValue PythonCode] -> SValue PythonCode
litList = forall (r :: * -> *).
Literal r =>
VSType r -> [SValue r] -> SValue r

instance MathConstant PythonCode where
  pi :: SValue PythonCode
pi = forall a. VS a -> VS a
addmathImport forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r -> Doc -> SValue r
mkStateVal forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
double Doc

instance VariableValue PythonCode where
  valueOf :: SVariable PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
valueOf = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SVariable r -> SValue r

instance CommandLineArgs PythonCode where
  arg :: Integer -> SValue PythonCode
arg Integer
n = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
G.arg (forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => Integer -> SValue r
litInt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Integer
nforall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
1) forall (r :: * -> *). CommandLineArgs r => SValue r
  argsList :: SValue PythonCode
argsList = do
    forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify (String -> ValueState -> ValueState
addLangImportVS String
    forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => String -> SValue r
G.argsList forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
pySys String -> String -> String
`access` String
  argExists :: Integer -> SValue PythonCode
argExists Integer
i = forall (r :: * -> *). List r => SValue r -> SValue r
listSize forall (r :: * -> *). CommandLineArgs r => SValue r
argsList forall (r :: * -> *).
Comparison r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
?> forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => Integer -> SValue r
litInt (forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Integer
iforall a. Num a => a -> a -> a

instance NumericExpression PythonCode where
  #~ :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(#~) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr' forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
  #/^ :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(#/^) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
  #| :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(#|) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
  #+ :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(#+) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
binExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r
  #- :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(#-) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
binExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r
  #* :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(#*) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
binExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r
  #/ :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(#/) SValue PythonCode
v1' SValue PythonCode
v2' = do
    PythonCode ValData
v1 <- SValue PythonCode
    PythonCode ValData
v2 <- SValue PythonCode
    let pyDivision :: CodeType -> CodeType -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
pyDivision CodeType
Integer CodeType
Integer = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
binExpr (forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
multPrec String
        pyDivision CodeType
_ CodeType
_ = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
binExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r
    forall {r :: * -> *}.
(BinaryOp r ~ OpData, RenderSym r, Monad r) =>
CodeType -> CodeType -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
pyDivision (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeElim r => r (Type r) -> CodeType
getType forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *). ValueSym r => r (Value r) -> r (Type r)
valueType PythonCode ValData
v1) (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeElim r => r (Type r) -> CodeType
getType forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *). ValueSym r => r (Value r) -> r (Type r)
valueType PythonCode ValData
v2) (forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure PythonCode ValData
      (forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure PythonCode ValData
  #% :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(#%) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
binExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r
  #^ :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(#^) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
binExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r

  log :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
log = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
  ln :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
ln = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
  exp :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
exp = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
  sin :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
sin = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
  cos :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
cos = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
  tan :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
tan = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
  csc :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
csc = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
  sec :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
sec = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
  cot :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
cot = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
  arcsin :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
arcsin = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
  arccos :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
arccos = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
  arctan :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
arctan = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
  floor :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
floor = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
  ceil :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
ceil = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> SValue r -> SValue r
unExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r

instance BooleanExpression PythonCode where
  ?! :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(?!) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSUnOp r -> VSType r -> SValue r -> SValue r
typeUnExpr forall (r :: * -> *). UnaryOpSym r => VSUnOp r
notOp forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
  ?&& :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(?&&) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> VSType r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
typeBinExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r
andOp forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
  ?|| :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(?||) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> VSType r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
typeBinExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r
orOp forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r

instance Comparison PythonCode where
  ?< :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(?<) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> VSType r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
typeBinExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r
lessOp forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
  ?<= :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(?<=) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> VSType r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
typeBinExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r
lessEqualOp forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
  ?> :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(?>) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> VSType r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
typeBinExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r
greaterOp forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
  ?>= :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(?>=) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> VSType r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
typeBinExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r
greaterEqualOp forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
  ?== :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(?==) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> VSType r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
typeBinExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r
equalOp forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
  ?!= :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
(?!=) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSBinOp r -> VSType r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
typeBinExpr forall (r :: * -> *). BinaryOpSym r => VSBinOp r
notEqualOp forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r

instance ValueExpression PythonCode where
  inlineIf :: SValue PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
inlineIf = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r

  funcAppMixedArgs :: MixedCall PythonCode
funcAppMixedArgs = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => MixedCall r
  selfFuncAppMixedArgs :: MixedCall PythonCode
selfFuncAppMixedArgs = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
Doc -> SVariable r -> MixedCall r
G.selfFuncAppMixedArgs Doc
dot forall (r :: * -> *). VariableSym r => SVariable r
  extFuncAppMixedArgs :: String -> MixedCall PythonCode
extFuncAppMixedArgs String
l String
n VSType PythonCode
t [SValue PythonCode]
ps NamedArgs PythonCode
ns = do
    forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify (String -> ValueState -> ValueState
addModuleImportVS String
    forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => String -> MixedCall r
CP.extFuncAppMixedArgs String
l String
n VSType PythonCode
t [SValue PythonCode]
ps NamedArgs PythonCode
  libFuncAppMixedArgs :: String -> MixedCall PythonCode
libFuncAppMixedArgs String
l String
n VSType PythonCode
t [SValue PythonCode]
ps NamedArgs PythonCode
ns = do
    forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify (String -> ValueState -> ValueState
addLibImportVS String
    forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => String -> MixedCall r
CP.extFuncAppMixedArgs String
l String
n VSType PythonCode
t [SValue PythonCode]
ps NamedArgs PythonCode
  newObjMixedArgs :: MixedCtorCall PythonCode
newObjMixedArgs = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => MixedCall r
G.newObjMixedArgs String
  extNewObjMixedArgs :: MixedCall PythonCode
extNewObjMixedArgs String
l VSType PythonCode
tp [SValue PythonCode]
ps NamedArgs PythonCode
ns = do
    forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify (String -> ValueState -> ValueState
addModuleImportVS String
    forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => MixedCall r
pyExtNewObjMixedArgs String
l VSType PythonCode
tp [SValue PythonCode]
ps NamedArgs PythonCode
  libNewObjMixedArgs :: MixedCall PythonCode
libNewObjMixedArgs String
l VSType PythonCode
tp [SValue PythonCode]
ps NamedArgs PythonCode
ns = do
    forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify (String -> ValueState -> ValueState
addLibImportVS String
    forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => MixedCall r
pyExtNewObjMixedArgs String
l VSType PythonCode
tp [SValue PythonCode]
ps NamedArgs PythonCode

  lambda :: [SVariable PythonCode] -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
lambda = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
([r (Variable r)] -> r (Value r) -> Doc)
-> [SVariable r] -> SValue r -> SValue r
G.lambda forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
[r (Variable r)] -> r (Value r) -> Doc

  notNull :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
notNull = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => String -> SValue r -> SValue r
CP.notNull String

instance RenderValue PythonCode where
  inputFunc :: SValue PythonCode
inputFunc = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r -> Doc -> SValue r
mkStateVal forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
string Doc
  printFunc :: SValue PythonCode
printFunc = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r -> Doc -> SValue r
mkStateVal forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
void Doc
  printLnFunc :: SValue PythonCode
printLnFunc = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r -> Doc -> SValue r
mkStateVal forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
void Doc
  printFileFunc :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
printFileFunc SValue PythonCode
_ = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r -> Doc -> SValue r
mkStateVal forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
void Doc
  printFileLnFunc :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
printFileLnFunc SValue PythonCode
_ = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r -> Doc -> SValue r
mkStateVal forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
void Doc
  cast :: VSType PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
cast = forall (m :: * -> *) a b c.
Monad m =>
(a -> b -> m c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
on2StateWrapped (\PythonCode TypeData
t PythonCode ValData
v-> forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => r (Type r) -> Doc -> SValue r
mkVal PythonCode TypeData
t forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Doc -> Doc -> Doc
R.castObj (forall (r :: * -> *). InternalTypeElim r => r (Type r) -> Doc
RC.type' PythonCode TypeData
    forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value PythonCode ValData
  call :: Maybe String -> Maybe Doc -> MixedCall PythonCode
call = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
Doc -> Maybe String -> Maybe Doc -> MixedCall r
G.call Doc

  valFromData :: Maybe Int -> VSType PythonCode -> Doc -> SValue PythonCode
valFromData Maybe Int
p VSType PythonCode
t' Doc
d = do 
    PythonCode TypeData
t <- VSType PythonCode
    forall a s. a -> State s a
toState forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *) a b c.
Applicative r =>
(a -> b -> c) -> r a -> r b -> r c
on2CodeValues (Maybe Int -> TypeData -> Doc -> ValData
vd Maybe Int
p) PythonCode TypeData
t (forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode Doc

instance ValueElim PythonCode where
  valuePrec :: PythonCode (Value PythonCode) -> Maybe Int
valuePrec = ValData -> Maybe Int
valPrec forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a
  value :: PythonCode (Value PythonCode) -> Doc
value = ValData -> Doc
val forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance InternalValueExp PythonCode where
  objMethodCallMixedArgs' :: String
-> VSType PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
-> [SValue PythonCode]
-> NamedArgs PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
objMethodCallMixedArgs' = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
-> VSType r -> SValue r -> [SValue r] -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r

instance FunctionSym PythonCode where
  type Function PythonCode = FuncData
  func :: String
-> VSType PythonCode
-> [SValue PythonCode]
-> VSFunction PythonCode
func = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> VSType r -> [SValue r] -> VSFunction r
  objAccess :: SValue PythonCode -> VSFunction PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
objAccess = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> VSFunction r -> SValue r

instance GetSet PythonCode where
  get :: SValue PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
get = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> SVariable r -> SValue r
  set :: SValue PythonCode
-> SVariable PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
set = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> SValue r

instance List PythonCode where
  listSize :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
listSize = forall (m :: * -> *) a b c.
Monad m =>
(a -> b -> m c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
on2StateWrapped(\PythonCode FuncData
f PythonCode ValData
v-> forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => r (Type r) -> Doc -> SValue r
mkVal (forall (r :: * -> *).
FunctionElim r =>
r (Function r) -> r (Type r)
functionType PythonCode FuncData
    (Doc -> Doc -> Doc
pyListSize (forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value PythonCode ValData
v) (forall (r :: * -> *). FunctionElim r => r (Function r) -> Doc
RC.function PythonCode FuncData
f))) forall (r :: * -> *). InternalListFunc r => VSFunction r
  listAdd :: SValue PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
listAdd = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  listAppend :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
listAppend = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  listAccess :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
listAccess = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  listSet :: SValue PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
listSet = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
  indexOf :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
indexOf = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
CP.indexOf String

instance InternalList PythonCode where
  listSlice' :: Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
-> Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
-> Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
-> SVariable PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
-> MSBlock PythonCode
listSlice' Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
b Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
e Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
s SVariable PythonCode
vn SValue PythonCode
vo = forall (r :: * -> *).
(RenderSym r, Monad r) =>
SVariable r
-> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MS (r Doc)
pyListSlice SVariable PythonCode
vn SValue PythonCode
vo (Maybe (SValue PythonCode) -> SValue PythonCode
getVal Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
b) (Maybe (SValue PythonCode) -> SValue PythonCode
getVal Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
e) (Maybe (SValue PythonCode) -> SValue PythonCode
getVal Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
    where getVal :: Maybe (SValue PythonCode) -> SValue PythonCode
getVal = forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe (forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r -> Doc -> SValue r
mkStateVal forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
void Doc

instance InternalGetSet PythonCode where
  getFunc :: SVariable PythonCode -> VSFunction PythonCode
getFunc = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SVariable r -> VSFunction r
  setFunc :: VSType PythonCode
-> SVariable PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
-> VSFunction PythonCode
setFunc = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSType r -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> VSFunction r

instance InternalListFunc PythonCode where
  listSizeFunc :: VSFunction PythonCode
listSizeFunc = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderFunction r =>
Doc -> VSType r -> VSFunction r
funcFromData Doc
pyListSizeFunc forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
  listAddFunc :: SValue PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> VSFunction PythonCode
listAddFunc SValue PythonCode
_ = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> SValue r -> SValue r -> VSFunction r
CP.listAddFunc String
  listAppendFunc :: SValue PythonCode -> VSFunction PythonCode
listAppendFunc = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> SValue r -> VSFunction r
G.listAppendFunc String
  listAccessFunc :: VSType PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> VSFunction PythonCode
listAccessFunc = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSType r -> SValue r -> VSFunction r
  listSetFunc :: SValue PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> VSFunction PythonCode
listSetFunc = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(Doc -> Doc -> Doc)
-> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> VSFunction r
CP.listSetFunc Doc -> Doc -> Doc

instance ThunkSym PythonCode where
  type Thunk PythonCode = CommonThunk VS

instance ThunkAssign PythonCode where
  thunkAssign :: SVariable PythonCode
-> VSThunk PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
thunkAssign SVariable PythonCode
v VSThunk PythonCode
t = do
iName <- MS String
      i :: SVariable PythonCode
i = forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableSym r =>
String -> VSType r -> SVariable r
var String
iName forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
      dim :: StateT ValueState Identity (PythonCode ValData)
dim = forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ VSThunk PythonCode
t forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= forall (s :: * -> *).
(s ValData -> s ValData) -> CommonThunk s -> s ValData
commonThunkDim (forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall a. PythonCode a -> a
unPC forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *). List r => SValue r -> SValue r
listSize forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure) forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a
      loopInit :: MSStatement PythonCode
loopInit = forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS (forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall a. PythonCode a -> a
unPC VSThunk PythonCode
t) forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= forall (s :: * -> *) a.
(CommonThunk s -> a) -> (CommonThunk s -> a) -> CommonThunk s -> a
        (forall a b. a -> b -> a
const forall (r :: * -> *). RenderStatement r => MSStatement r
emptyStmt) (forall a b. a -> b -> a
const forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *).
AssignStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
assign SVariable PythonCode
v forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *).
(TypeElim r, Literal r) =>
VSType r -> SValue r
litZero forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableElim r =>
r (Variable r) -> r (Type r)
variableType SVariable PythonCode
      loopBody :: MSStatement PythonCode
loopBody = forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS (forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall a. PythonCode a -> a
unPC VSThunk PythonCode
t) forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= forall (s :: * -> *) a.
(CommonThunk s -> a) -> (CommonThunk s -> a) -> CommonThunk s -> a
        (forall (r :: * -> *). StatementSym r => SValue r -> MSStatement r
valStmt forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *).
List r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
listSet (forall (r :: * -> *). VariableValue r => SVariable r -> SValue r
valueOf SVariable PythonCode
v) (forall (r :: * -> *). VariableValue r => SVariable r -> SValue r
valueOf SVariable PythonCode
i) forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *).
VectorExpression r =>
SValue r -> VSThunk r -> SValue r
vecIndex (forall (r :: * -> *). VariableValue r => SVariable r -> SValue r
valueOf SVariable PythonCode
i) forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
        ((SVariable PythonCode
v forall (r :: * -> *).
AssignStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
&+=) forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *).
VectorExpression r =>
SValue r -> VSThunk r -> SValue r
vecIndex (forall (r :: * -> *). VariableValue r => SVariable r -> SValue r
valueOf SVariable PythonCode
i) forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
    forall (r :: * -> *).
StatementSym r =>
[MSStatement r] -> MSStatement r
multi [MSStatement PythonCode
      forall (r :: * -> *).
ControlStatement r =>
SVariable r
-> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
forRange SVariable PythonCode
i (forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => Integer -> SValue r
litInt Integer
0) StateT ValueState Identity (PythonCode ValData)
dim (forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => Integer -> SValue r
litInt Integer
1) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *). BodySym r => [MSBlock r] -> MSBody r
body [forall (r :: * -> *). BlockSym r => [MSStatement r] -> MSBlock r
block [MSStatement PythonCode

instance VectorType PythonCode where
  vecType :: VSType PythonCode -> VSType PythonCode
vecType = forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r -> VSType r

instance VectorDecl PythonCode where
  vecDec :: Integer -> SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
vecDec = forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
Integer -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  vecDecDef :: SVariable PythonCode
-> [SValue PythonCode] -> MSStatement PythonCode
vecDecDef = forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
SVariable r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r

instance VectorThunk PythonCode where
  vecThunk :: SVariable PythonCode -> VSThunk PythonCode
vecThunk = forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (s :: * -> *). s ValData -> CommonThunk s
pureValue forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall a. PythonCode a -> a
unPC forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *). VariableValue r => SVariable r -> SValue r

instance VectorExpression PythonCode where
  vecScale :: SValue PythonCode -> VSThunk PythonCode -> VSThunk PythonCode
vecScale SValue PythonCode
k = forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (s :: * -> *).
(s ValData -> s ValData) -> CommonThunk s -> CommonThunk s
vectorize (forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall a. PythonCode a -> a
unPC forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (SValue PythonCode
k forall (r :: * -> *).
NumericExpression r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
#*) forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
  vecAdd :: VSThunk PythonCode -> VSThunk PythonCode -> VSThunk PythonCode
vecAdd = forall (f :: * -> *) a b c.
Applicative f =>
(a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (f :: * -> *) a b c.
Applicative f =>
(a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (s :: * -> *).
(s ValData -> s ValData -> s ValData)
-> CommonThunk s -> CommonThunk s -> CommonThunk s
vectorize2 (\StateT ValueState Identity ValData
v1 StateT ValueState Identity ValData
v2 -> forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall a. PythonCode a -> a
unPC forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure StateT ValueState Identity ValData
v1 forall (r :: * -> *).
NumericExpression r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
#+ forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure StateT ValueState Identity ValData
  vecIndex :: SValue PythonCode -> VSThunk PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode
vecIndex SValue PythonCode
i = (forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (s :: * -> *).
(s ValData -> s ValData) -> CommonThunk s -> s ValData
commonVecIndex (forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall a. PythonCode a -> a
unPC forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip forall (r :: * -> *). List r => SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
listAccess SValue PythonCode
i forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure) forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a
  vecDot :: VSThunk PythonCode -> VSThunk PythonCode -> VSThunk PythonCode
vecDot = forall (f :: * -> *) a b c.
Applicative f =>
(a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (f :: * -> *) a b c.
Applicative f =>
(a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall (s :: * -> *). CommonThunk s -> CommonThunk s
sumComponents forall (r :: * -> *) a b. Functor r => (a -> b) -> r a -> r b
<$> forall (s :: * -> *).
(s ValData -> s ValData -> s ValData)
-> CommonThunk s -> CommonThunk s -> CommonThunk s
vectorize2 (\StateT ValueState Identity ValData
v1 StateT ValueState Identity ValData
v2 -> forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall a. PythonCode a -> a
unPC forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure StateT ValueState Identity ValData
v1 forall (r :: * -> *).
NumericExpression r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
#* forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure StateT ValueState Identity ValData

instance RenderFunction PythonCode where
  funcFromData :: Doc -> VSType PythonCode -> VSFunction PythonCode
funcFromData Doc
d = forall a b s. (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
onStateValue (forall (r :: * -> *) a b. Functor r => (a -> b) -> r a -> r b
onCodeValue (TypeData -> Doc -> FuncData
`fd` Doc
instance FunctionElim PythonCode where
  functionType :: PythonCode (Function PythonCode) -> PythonCode (Type PythonCode)
functionType = forall (r :: * -> *) a b. Functor r => (a -> b) -> r a -> r b
onCodeValue FuncData -> TypeData
  function :: PythonCode (Function PythonCode) -> Doc
function = FuncData -> Doc
funcDoc forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance InternalAssignStmt PythonCode where
  multiAssign :: [SVariable PythonCode]
-> [SValue PythonCode] -> MSStatement PythonCode
multiAssign = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(Doc -> Doc) -> [SVariable r] -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
CP.multiAssign forall a. a -> a

instance InternalIOStmt PythonCode where
  printSt :: Bool
-> Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
-> SValue PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
-> MSStatement PythonCode
printSt = Bool
-> Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
-> SValue PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
-> MSStatement PythonCode

instance InternalControlStmt PythonCode where
  multiReturn :: [SValue PythonCode] -> MSStatement PythonCode
multiReturn = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(Doc -> Doc) -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
CP.multiReturn forall a. a -> a

instance RenderStatement PythonCode where
  stmt :: MSStatement PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
stmt = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => MSStatement r -> MSStatement r
  loopStmt :: MSStatement PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
loopStmt = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => MSStatement r -> MSStatement r
  emptyStmt :: MSStatement PythonCode
emptyStmt = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => MSStatement r

  stmtFromData :: Doc -> Terminator -> MSStatement PythonCode
stmtFromData Doc
d Terminator
t = forall a s. a -> State s a
toState forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode (Doc
d, Terminator

instance StatementElim PythonCode where
  statement :: PythonCode (Statement PythonCode) -> Doc
statement = forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a
  statementTerm :: PythonCode (Statement PythonCode) -> Terminator
statementTerm = forall a b. (a, b) -> b
snd forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance StatementSym PythonCode where
  -- Terminator determines how statements end
  type Statement PythonCode = (Doc, Terminator)
  valStmt :: SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
valStmt = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
Terminator -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
G.valStmt Terminator
  multi :: [MSStatement PythonCode] -> MSStatement PythonCode
multi = forall a b s. ([a] -> b) -> [State s a] -> State s b
onStateList (forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => ([a] -> b) -> [m a] -> m b
onCodeList [(Doc, Terminator)] -> (Doc, Terminator)

instance AssignStatement PythonCode where
  assign :: SVariable PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
assign = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
Terminator -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
G.assign Terminator
  &-= :: SVariable PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
(&-=) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
Terminator -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
G.subAssign Terminator
  &+= :: SVariable PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
(&+=) = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  &++ :: SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
(&++) = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  &-- :: SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
(&--) = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SVariable r -> MSStatement r

instance DeclStatement PythonCode where
  varDec :: SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
varDec SVariable PythonCode
v = do
    PythonCode VarData
v' <- forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS SVariable PythonCode
    forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> MethodState -> MethodState
useVarName (forall (r :: * -> *). VariableElim r => r (Variable r) -> String
variableName PythonCode VarData
    forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => Doc -> MSStatement r
mkStmtNoEnd Doc
  varDecDef :: SVariable PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
varDecDef SVariable PythonCode
v SValue PythonCode
e = do
    PythonCode VarData
v' <- forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS SVariable PythonCode
    forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> MethodState -> MethodState
useVarName (forall (r :: * -> *). VariableElim r => r (Variable r) -> String
variableName PythonCode VarData
    forall (r :: * -> *).
AssignStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
assign SVariable PythonCode
v SValue PythonCode
  listDec :: Integer -> SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
listDec Integer
_ = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  listDecDef :: SVariable PythonCode
-> [SValue PythonCode] -> MSStatement PythonCode
listDecDef = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SVariable r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
  arrayDec :: Integer -> SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
arrayDec = forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
Integer -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  arrayDecDef :: SVariable PythonCode
-> [SValue PythonCode] -> MSStatement PythonCode
arrayDecDef = forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
SVariable r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
  objDecDef :: SVariable PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
objDecDef = forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  objDecNew :: SVariable PythonCode
-> [SValue PythonCode] -> MSStatement PythonCode
objDecNew = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SVariable r -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
  extObjDecNew :: String
-> SVariable PythonCode
-> [SValue PythonCode]
-> MSStatement PythonCode
extObjDecNew String
lib SVariable PythonCode
v [SValue PythonCode]
vs = do
    forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify (String -> MethodState -> MethodState
addModuleImport String
    forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
varDecDef SVariable PythonCode
v (forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => String -> PosCtorCall r
extNewObj String
lib (forall a b s. (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
onStateValue forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableElim r =>
r (Variable r) -> r (Type r)
variableType SVariable PythonCode
v) [SValue PythonCode]
  constDecDef :: SVariable PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
constDecDef = forall (r :: * -> *).
DeclStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  funcDecDef :: SVariable PythonCode
-> [SVariable PythonCode]
-> MSBody PythonCode
-> MSStatement PythonCode
funcDecDef = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SVariable r -> [SVariable r] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r

instance IOStatement PythonCode where
  print :: SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
print      = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
Bool -> Maybe (SValue r) -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
pyOut Bool
False forall a. Maybe a
Nothing forall (r :: * -> *). RenderValue r => SValue r
  printLn :: SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
printLn    = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
Bool -> Maybe (SValue r) -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
pyOut Bool
True  forall a. Maybe a
Nothing forall (r :: * -> *). RenderValue r => SValue r
  printStr :: String -> MSStatement PythonCode
printStr   = forall (r :: * -> *). IOStatement r => SValue r -> MSStatement r
print   forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => String -> SValue r
  printStrLn :: String -> MSStatement PythonCode
printStrLn = forall (r :: * -> *). IOStatement r => SValue r -> MSStatement r
printLn forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => String -> SValue r

  printFile :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
printFile SValue PythonCode
f      = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
Bool -> Maybe (SValue r) -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
pyOut Bool
False (forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just SValue PythonCode
f) forall (r :: * -> *). RenderValue r => SValue r
  printFileLn :: SValue PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
printFileLn SValue PythonCode
f    = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
Bool -> Maybe (SValue r) -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
pyOut Bool
True  (forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just SValue PythonCode
f) forall (r :: * -> *). RenderValue r => SValue r
  printFileStr :: SValue PythonCode -> String -> MSStatement PythonCode
printFileStr SValue PythonCode
f   = forall (r :: * -> *).
IOStatement r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
printFile SValue PythonCode
f   forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => String -> SValue r
  printFileStrLn :: SValue PythonCode -> String -> MSStatement PythonCode
printFileStrLn SValue PythonCode
f = forall (r :: * -> *).
IOStatement r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
printFileLn SValue PythonCode
f forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => String -> SValue r

  getInput :: SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
getInput = SValue PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
pyInput forall (r :: * -> *). RenderValue r => SValue r
  discardInput :: MSStatement PythonCode
discardInput = forall (r :: * -> *). StatementSym r => SValue r -> MSStatement r
valStmt forall (r :: * -> *). RenderValue r => SValue r
  getFileInput :: SValue PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
getFileInput SValue PythonCode
f = SValue PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
pyInput (forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
readline SValue PythonCode
  discardFileInput :: SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
discardFileInput SValue PythonCode
f = forall (r :: * -> *). StatementSym r => SValue r -> MSStatement r
valStmt (forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
readline SValue PythonCode

  openFileR :: SVariable PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
openFileR SVariable PythonCode
f SValue PythonCode
n = SVariable PythonCode
f forall (r :: * -> *).
AssignStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
&= forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
openRead SValue PythonCode
  openFileW :: SVariable PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
openFileW SVariable PythonCode
f SValue PythonCode
n = SVariable PythonCode
f forall (r :: * -> *).
AssignStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
&= forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
openWrite SValue PythonCode
  openFileA :: SVariable PythonCode -> SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
openFileA SVariable PythonCode
f SValue PythonCode
n = SVariable PythonCode
f forall (r :: * -> *).
AssignStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
&= forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
openAppend SValue PythonCode
  closeFile :: SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
closeFile = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
G.closeFile String

  getFileInputLine :: SValue PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
getFileInputLine = forall (r :: * -> *).
IOStatement r =>
SValue r -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r
  discardFileLine :: SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
discardFileLine = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
CP.discardFileLine String
  getFileInputAll :: SValue PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
getFileInputAll SValue PythonCode
f SVariable PythonCode
v = SVariable PythonCode
v forall (r :: * -> *).
AssignStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
&= forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
readlines SValue PythonCode
instance StringStatement PythonCode where
  stringSplit :: Char
-> SVariable PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
-> MSStatement PythonCode
stringSplit Char
d SVariable PythonCode
vnew SValue PythonCode
s = forall (r :: * -> *).
AssignStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
assign SVariable PythonCode
vnew (forall (r :: * -> *).
FunctionSym r =>
SValue r -> VSFunction r -> SValue r
objAccess SValue PythonCode
s (forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => Char -> VSFunction r
splitFunc Char

  stringListVals :: [SVariable PythonCode]
-> SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
stringListVals = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
[SVariable r] -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
  stringListLists :: [SVariable PythonCode]
-> SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
stringListLists = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
[SVariable r] -> SValue r -> MSStatement r

instance FuncAppStatement PythonCode where
  inOutCall :: InOutCall PythonCode
inOutCall = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(String -> VSType r -> [SValue r] -> SValue r)
-> String
-> [SValue r]
-> [SVariable r]
-> [SVariable r]
-> MSStatement r
CP.inOutCall forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => String -> PosCtorCall r
  selfInOutCall :: InOutCall PythonCode
selfInOutCall = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(String -> VSType r -> [SValue r] -> SValue r)
-> String
-> [SValue r]
-> [SVariable r]
-> [SVariable r]
-> MSStatement r
CP.inOutCall forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => String -> PosCtorCall r
  extInOutCall :: String -> InOutCall PythonCode
extInOutCall String
m = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(String -> VSType r -> [SValue r] -> SValue r)
-> String
-> [SValue r]
-> [SVariable r]
-> [SVariable r]
-> MSStatement r
CP.inOutCall (forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => String -> PosCall r
extFuncApp String

instance CommentStatement PythonCode where
  comment :: String -> MSStatement PythonCode
comment = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => Doc -> String -> MSStatement r
G.comment Doc

instance ControlStatement PythonCode where
  break :: MSStatement PythonCode
break = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => Doc -> MSStatement r
mkStmtNoEnd Doc
  continue :: MSStatement PythonCode
continue = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => Doc -> MSStatement r
mkStmtNoEnd Doc

  returnStmt :: SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
returnStmt = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
Terminator -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
G.returnStmt Terminator

  throw :: String -> MSStatement PythonCode
throw = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(r (Value r) -> Doc) -> Terminator -> String -> MSStatement r
G.throw forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => r (Value r) -> Doc
pyThrow Terminator

  ifCond :: [(SValue PythonCode, MSBody PythonCode)]
-> MSBody PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
ifCond = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(Doc -> Doc)
-> Doc
-> OptionalSpace
-> Doc
-> Doc
-> [(SValue r, MSBody r)]
-> MSBody r
-> MSStatement r
G.ifCond Doc -> Doc
parens Doc
pyBodyStart OptionalSpace
pySpace Doc
pyElseIf Doc
  switch :: SValue PythonCode
-> [(SValue PythonCode, MSBody PythonCode)]
-> MSBody PythonCode
-> MSStatement PythonCode
switch = forall (r :: * -> *).
(ControlStatement r, Comparison r) =>
SValue r -> [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r

  ifExists :: SValue PythonCode
-> MSBody PythonCode -> MSBody PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
ifExists = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r

  for :: MSStatement PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
-> MSStatement PythonCode
-> MSBody PythonCode
-> MSStatement PythonCode
for MSStatement PythonCode
_ SValue PythonCode
_ MSStatement PythonCode
_ MSBody PythonCode
_ = forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> String
CP.forLoopError String
  forRange :: SVariable PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
-> MSBody PythonCode
-> MSStatement PythonCode
forRange SVariable PythonCode
i SValue PythonCode
initv SValue PythonCode
finalv SValue PythonCode
stepv = forall (r :: * -> *).
ControlStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
forEach SVariable PythonCode
i (forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
range SValue PythonCode
initv SValue PythonCode
finalv SValue PythonCode
  forEach :: SVariable PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode -> MSBody PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
forEach SVariable PythonCode
i' SValue PythonCode
v' MSBody PythonCode
b' = do
    PythonCode VarData
i <- forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS SVariable PythonCode
    PythonCode ValData
v <- forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS SValue PythonCode
    PythonCode Doc
b <- MSBody PythonCode
    forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => Doc -> MSStatement r
mkStmtNoEnd (forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
r (Variable r) -> r (Value r) -> r (Body r) -> Doc
pyForEach PythonCode VarData
i PythonCode ValData
v PythonCode Doc
  while :: SValue PythonCode -> MSBody PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
while SValue PythonCode
v' MSBody PythonCode
b' = do 
    PythonCode ValData
v <- forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS SValue PythonCode
    PythonCode Doc
b <- MSBody PythonCode
    forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => Doc -> MSStatement r
mkStmtNoEnd (forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
r (Value r) -> r (Body r) -> Doc
pyWhile PythonCode ValData
v PythonCode Doc

  tryCatch :: MSBody PythonCode -> MSBody PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
tryCatch = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(r (Body r) -> r (Body r) -> Doc)
-> MSBody r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
G.tryCatch forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
r (Body r) -> r (Body r) -> Doc

instance StatePattern PythonCode where 
  checkState :: String
-> [(SValue PythonCode, MSBody PythonCode)]
-> MSBody PythonCode
-> MSStatement PythonCode
checkState = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r

instance ObserverPattern PythonCode where
  notifyObservers :: VSFunction PythonCode
-> VSType PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
notifyObservers = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
VSFunction r -> VSType r -> MSStatement r

instance StrategyPattern PythonCode where
  runStrategy :: String
-> [(String, MSBody PythonCode)]
-> Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
-> Maybe (SVariable PythonCode)
-> MSBlock PythonCode
runStrategy = forall (r :: * -> *).
(RenderSym r, Monad r) =>
-> [(String, MSBody r)]
-> Maybe (SValue r)
-> Maybe (SVariable r)
-> MS (r Doc)

instance ScopeSym PythonCode where
  type Scope PythonCode = Doc
  private :: PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
private = forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode Doc
  public :: PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
public = forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode Doc

instance RenderScope PythonCode where
  scopeFromData :: ScopeTag -> Doc -> PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
scopeFromData ScopeTag
_ = forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a

instance ScopeElim PythonCode where
  scope :: PythonCode (Scope PythonCode) -> Doc
scope = forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance MethodTypeSym PythonCode where
  type MethodType PythonCode = TypeData
  mType :: VSType PythonCode -> MSMthdType PythonCode
mType = forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
  construct :: String -> MSMthdType PythonCode
construct = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => String -> MS (r (Type r))

instance ParameterSym PythonCode where
  type Parameter PythonCode = ParamData
  param :: SVariable PythonCode -> MSParameter PythonCode
param = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(r (Variable r) -> Doc) -> SVariable r -> MSParameter r
G.param forall (r :: * -> *). InternalVarElim r => r (Variable r) -> Doc
  pointerParam :: SVariable PythonCode -> MSParameter PythonCode
pointerParam = forall (r :: * -> *).
ParameterSym r =>
SVariable r -> MSParameter r

instance RenderParam PythonCode where
  paramFromData :: SVariable PythonCode -> Doc -> MSParameter PythonCode
paramFromData SVariable PythonCode
v' Doc
d = do 
    PythonCode VarData
v <- forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS SVariable PythonCode
    forall a s. a -> State s a
toState forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *) a b c.
Applicative r =>
(a -> b -> c) -> r a -> r b -> r c
on2CodeValues VarData -> Doc -> ParamData
pd PythonCode VarData
v (forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode Doc
instance ParamElim PythonCode where
  parameterName :: PythonCode (Parameter PythonCode) -> String
parameterName = forall (r :: * -> *). VariableElim r => r (Variable r) -> String
variableName forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *) a b. Functor r => (a -> b) -> r a -> r b
onCodeValue ParamData -> VarData
  parameterType :: PythonCode (Parameter PythonCode) -> PythonCode (Type PythonCode)
parameterType = forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableElim r =>
r (Variable r) -> r (Type r)
variableType forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *) a b. Functor r => (a -> b) -> r a -> r b
onCodeValue ParamData -> VarData
  parameter :: PythonCode (Parameter PythonCode) -> Doc
parameter = ParamData -> Doc
paramDoc forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance MethodSym PythonCode where
  type Method PythonCode = MethodData
  method :: String
-> PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
-> PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
-> VSType PythonCode
-> [MSParameter PythonCode]
-> MSBody PythonCode
-> SMethod PythonCode
method = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
-> r (Scope r)
-> r (Permanence r)
-> VSType r
-> [MSParameter r]
-> MSBody r
-> SMethod r
  getMethod :: SVariable PythonCode -> SMethod PythonCode
getMethod = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SVariable r -> SMethod r
  setMethod :: SVariable PythonCode -> SMethod PythonCode
setMethod = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SVariable r -> SMethod r
  constructor :: [MSParameter PythonCode]
-> NamedArgs PythonCode -> MSBody PythonCode -> SMethod PythonCode
constructor = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
-> [MSParameter r] -> Initializers r -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
CP.constructor String

  docMain :: MSBody PythonCode -> SMethod PythonCode
docMain = forall (r :: * -> *). MethodSym r => MSBody r -> SMethod r

  function :: String
-> PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
-> VSType PythonCode
-> [MSParameter PythonCode]
-> MSBody PythonCode
-> SMethod PythonCode
function = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
-> r (Scope r)
-> VSType r
-> [MSParameter r]
-> MSBody r
-> SMethod r
  mainFunction :: MSBody PythonCode -> SMethod PythonCode
mainFunction = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => MSBody r -> SMethod r

  docFunc :: String
-> [String]
-> Maybe String
-> SMethod PythonCode
-> SMethod PythonCode
docFunc = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> [String] -> Maybe String -> SMethod r -> SMethod r

  inOutMethod :: String
-> PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
-> PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
-> InOutFunc PythonCode
inOutMethod String
n PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
s PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
p = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r)
-> [SVariable r]
-> [SVariable r]
-> [SVariable r]
-> MSBody r
-> SMethod r
CP.inOutFunc (forall (r :: * -> *).
MethodSym r =>
-> r (Scope r)
-> r (Permanence r)
-> VSType r
-> [MSParameter r]
-> MSBody r
-> SMethod r
method String
n PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
s PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)

  docInOutMethod :: String
-> PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
-> PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
-> DocInOutFunc PythonCode
docInOutMethod String
n PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
s PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
p = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
-> ([SVariable r]
    -> [SVariable r] -> [SVariable r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r)
-> String
-> [(String, SVariable r)]
-> [(String, SVariable r)]
-> [(String, SVariable r)]
-> MSBody r
-> SMethod r
CP.docInOutFunc' FuncDocRenderer
functionDox (forall (r :: * -> *).
MethodSym r =>
String -> r (Scope r) -> r (Permanence r) -> InOutFunc r
inOutMethod String
n PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
s PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)

  inOutFunc :: String -> PythonCode (Scope PythonCode) -> InOutFunc PythonCode
inOutFunc String
n PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
s = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
(VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r)
-> [SVariable r]
-> [SVariable r]
-> [SVariable r]
-> MSBody r
-> SMethod r
CP.inOutFunc (forall (r :: * -> *).
MethodSym r =>
-> r (Scope r)
-> VSType r
-> [MSParameter r]
-> MSBody r
-> SMethod r
function String
n PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)

  docInOutFunc :: String -> PythonCode (Scope PythonCode) -> DocInOutFunc PythonCode
docInOutFunc String
n PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
s = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
-> ([SVariable r]
    -> [SVariable r] -> [SVariable r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r)
-> String
-> [(String, SVariable r)]
-> [(String, SVariable r)]
-> [(String, SVariable r)]
-> MSBody r
-> SMethod r
CP.docInOutFunc' FuncDocRenderer
functionDox (forall (r :: * -> *).
MethodSym r =>
String -> r (Scope r) -> InOutFunc r
inOutFunc String
n PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)

instance RenderMethod PythonCode where
  intMethod :: Bool
-> String
-> PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
-> PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
-> MSMthdType PythonCode
-> [MSParameter PythonCode]
-> MSBody PythonCode
-> SMethod PythonCode
intMethod Bool
m String
n PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
_ PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
_ MSMthdType PythonCode
_ [MSParameter PythonCode]
ps MSBody PythonCode
b = do
    forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify (if Bool
m then MethodState -> MethodState
setCurrMain else forall a. a -> a
    PythonCode (Variable PythonCode)
sl <- forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS forall (r :: * -> *). VariableSym r => SVariable r
    [PythonCode ParamData]
pms <- forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
t (m a) -> m (t a)
sequence [MSParameter PythonCode]
    forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Doc -> MethodData
mthd forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> r (Variable r) -> [r (Parameter r)] -> r (Body r) -> Doc
pyMethod String
n PythonCode (Variable PythonCode)
sl [PythonCode ParamData]
pms forall (r :: * -> *) a b. Functor r => (a -> b) -> r a -> r b
<$> MSBody PythonCode
  intFunc :: Bool
-> String
-> PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
-> PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
-> MSMthdType PythonCode
-> [MSParameter PythonCode]
-> MSBody PythonCode
-> SMethod PythonCode
intFunc Bool
m String
n PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
_ PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
_ MSMthdType PythonCode
_ [MSParameter PythonCode]
ps MSBody PythonCode
b = do
    forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify (if Bool
m then MethodState -> MethodState
setCurrMain else forall a. a -> a
    PythonCode Doc
bd <- MSBody PythonCode
    [PythonCode ParamData]
pms <- forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
t (m a) -> m (t a)
sequence [MSParameter PythonCode]
    forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc -> MethodData
mthd forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> [r (Parameter r)] -> r (Body r) -> Doc
pyFunction String
n [PythonCode ParamData]
pms PythonCode Doc
  commentedFunc :: MS (PythonCode (BlockComment PythonCode))
-> SMethod PythonCode -> SMethod PythonCode
commentedFunc MS (PythonCode (BlockComment PythonCode))
cmt SMethod PythonCode
m = forall a b c s.
(a -> b -> c) -> State s a -> State s b -> State s c
on2StateValues (forall (r :: * -> *) a b c.
Applicative r =>
(a -> b -> c) -> r a -> r b -> r c
on2CodeValues MethodData -> (Doc -> Doc) -> MethodData
updateMthd) SMethod PythonCode
    (forall a b s. (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
onStateValue (forall (r :: * -> *) a b. Functor r => (a -> b) -> r a -> r b
onCodeValue Doc -> Doc -> Doc
R.commentedItem) MS (PythonCode (BlockComment PythonCode))
  destructor :: [CSStateVar PythonCode] -> SMethod PythonCode
destructor [CSStateVar PythonCode]
_ = forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> String
CP.destructorError String
  mthdFromData :: ScopeTag -> Doc -> SMethod PythonCode
mthdFromData ScopeTag
_ Doc
d = forall a s. a -> State s a
toState forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc -> MethodData
mthd Doc
instance MethodElim PythonCode where
  method :: PythonCode (Method PythonCode) -> Doc
method = MethodData -> Doc
mthdDoc forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance StateVarSym PythonCode where
  type StateVar PythonCode = Doc
  stateVar :: PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
-> PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
-> SVariable PythonCode
-> CSStateVar PythonCode
stateVar PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
_ PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
_ SVariable PythonCode
_ = forall a s. a -> State s a
toState (forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode Doc
  stateVarDef :: PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
-> PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)
-> SVariable PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
-> CSStateVar PythonCode
stateVarDef = forall (r :: * -> *).
(RenderSym r, Monad r) =>
r (Scope r)
-> r (Permanence r) -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> CS (r Doc)
  constVar :: PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
-> SVariable PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
-> CSStateVar PythonCode
constVar = forall (r :: * -> *).
(RenderSym r, Monad r) =>
Doc -> r (Scope r) -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> CS (r Doc)
CP.constVar (forall (r :: * -> *). PermElim r => r (Permanence r) -> Doc
    (forall (r :: * -> *). PermanenceSym r => r (Permanence r)
static :: PythonCode (Permanence PythonCode)))
instance StateVarElim PythonCode where
  stateVar :: PythonCode (StateVar PythonCode) -> Doc
stateVar = forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance ClassSym PythonCode where
  type Class PythonCode = Doc
  buildClass :: Maybe String
-> [CSStateVar PythonCode]
-> [SMethod PythonCode]
-> SClass PythonCode
buildClass = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
Maybe String -> [CSStateVar r] -> [SMethod r] -> SClass r
  extraClass :: String
-> Maybe String
-> [CSStateVar PythonCode]
-> [SMethod PythonCode]
-> SClass PythonCode
extraClass = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> Maybe String -> [CSStateVar r] -> [SMethod r] -> SClass r
  implementingClass :: String
-> [String]
-> [CSStateVar PythonCode]
-> [SMethod PythonCode]
-> SClass PythonCode
implementingClass = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> [String] -> [CSStateVar r] -> [SMethod r] -> SClass r

  docClass :: String -> SClass PythonCode -> SClass PythonCode
docClass = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => String -> SClass r -> SClass r

instance RenderClass PythonCode where
  intClass :: String
-> PythonCode (Scope PythonCode)
-> PythonCode Doc
-> [CSStateVar PythonCode]
-> [SMethod PythonCode]
-> SClass PythonCode
intClass = forall (r :: * -> *).
(RenderSym r, Monad r) =>
(String -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc)
-> String
-> r (Scope r)
-> r Doc
-> [CSStateVar r]
-> [SMethod r]
-> CS (r Doc)
CP.intClass String -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc

  inherit :: Maybe String -> PythonCode Doc
inherit Maybe String
n = forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Doc
empty (Doc -> Doc
parens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> Doc
text) Maybe String
  implements :: [String] -> PythonCode Doc
implements [String]
is = forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc -> Doc
parens (String -> Doc
text forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a. [a] -> [[a]] -> [a]
intercalate String
listSep [String]

  commentedClass :: CS (PythonCode (BlockComment PythonCode))
-> SClass PythonCode -> SClass PythonCode
commentedClass = forall (r :: * -> *).
(RenderSym r, Monad r) =>
CS (r (BlockComment r)) -> SClass r -> CS (r Doc)
instance ClassElim PythonCode where
  class' :: PythonCode (Class PythonCode) -> Doc
class' = forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance ModuleSym PythonCode where
  type Module PythonCode = ModData
  buildModule :: String
-> [String]
-> [SMethod PythonCode]
-> [SClass PythonCode]
-> FSModule PythonCode
buildModule String
n [String]
is = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
-> FS Doc
-> FS Doc
-> FS Doc
-> [SMethod r]
-> [SClass r]
-> FSModule r
CP.buildModule String
n (do
lis <- FS [String]
libis <- FS [String]
mis <- FS [String]
    forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Doc] -> Doc
vibcat [
      [Doc] -> Doc
vcat (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (forall (r :: * -> *). ImportElim r => r (Import r) -> Doc
RC.import' forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
        (forall (r :: * -> *). ImportSym r => String -> r (Import r)
langImport :: Label -> PythonCode (Import PythonCode))) [String]
      [Doc] -> Doc
vcat (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (forall (r :: * -> *). ImportElim r => r (Import r) -> Doc
RC.import' forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
        (forall (r :: * -> *). ImportSym r => String -> r (Import r)
langImport :: Label -> PythonCode (Import PythonCode))) (forall a. Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sort forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [String]
is forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
      [Doc] -> Doc
vcat (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (forall (r :: * -> *). ImportElim r => r (Import r) -> Doc
RC.import' forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
        (forall (r :: * -> *). ImportSym r => String -> r (Import r)
modImport :: Label -> PythonCode (Import PythonCode))) [String]
    (forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Doc
empty) FS Doc

instance RenderMod PythonCode where
  modFromData :: String -> FS Doc -> FSModule PythonCode
modFromData String
n = forall (r :: * -> *).
String -> (Doc -> r (Module r)) -> FS Doc -> FSModule r
G.modFromData String
n (forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> Doc -> ModData
md String
  updateModuleDoc :: (Doc -> Doc)
-> PythonCode (Module PythonCode) -> PythonCode (Module PythonCode)
updateModuleDoc Doc -> Doc
f = forall (r :: * -> *) a b. Functor r => (a -> b) -> r a -> r b
onCodeValue ((Doc -> Doc) -> ModData -> ModData
updateMod Doc -> Doc
instance ModuleElim PythonCode where
  module' :: PythonCode (Module PythonCode) -> Doc
module' = ModData -> Doc
modDoc forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. PythonCode a -> a

instance BlockCommentSym PythonCode where
  type BlockComment PythonCode = Doc
  blockComment :: [String] -> PythonCode (BlockComment PythonCode)
blockComment [String]
lns = forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [String] -> Doc -> Doc
pyBlockComment [String]
lns Doc
  docComment :: forall a.
State a [String] -> State a (PythonCode (BlockComment PythonCode))
docComment = forall a b s. (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
onStateValue (\[String]
lns -> forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [String] -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
pyDocComment [String]
lns Doc

instance BlockCommentElim PythonCode where
  blockComment' :: PythonCode (BlockComment PythonCode) -> Doc
blockComment' = forall a. PythonCode a -> a

-- convenience
initName :: Label
initName :: String
initName = String

pyName, pyVersion :: String
pyName :: String
pyName = String
pyVersion :: String
pyVersion = String

pyInt, pyDouble, pyString, pyVoid :: String
pyInt :: String
pyInt = String
pyDouble :: String
pyDouble = String
pyString :: String
pyString = String
pyVoid :: String
pyVoid = String

pyFloatError :: String
pyFloatError :: String
pyFloatError = String
"Floats unavailable in Python, use Doubles instead"

pyPower, pyAnd, pyOr, pyIntDiv :: String
pyPower :: String
pyPower = String
pyAnd :: String
pyAnd = String
pyOr :: String
pyOr = String
pyIntDiv :: String
pyIntDiv = String

pySelf, pyNull :: String
pySelf :: String
pySelf = String
pyNull :: String
pyNull = String

pyNull' :: Doc
pyNull' :: Doc
pyNull' = String -> Doc
text String

pyTrue, pyFalse :: Doc
pyTrue :: Doc
pyTrue = String -> Doc
text String
pyFalse :: Doc
pyFalse = String -> Doc
text String

pyPi :: Doc
pyPi :: Doc
pyPi = String -> Doc
text forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
pyMath String -> String -> String
`access` String

pySys :: String
pySys :: String
pySys = String

pyInputFunc, pyPrintFunc, pyListSizeFunc :: Doc
pyInputFunc :: Doc
pyInputFunc = String -> Doc
text String
"input()" -- raw_input() for < Python 3.0
pyPrintFunc :: Doc
pyPrintFunc = String -> Doc
text String
pyListSizeFunc :: Doc
pyListSizeFunc = String -> Doc
text String

pyIndex, pyInsert, pyAppendFunc, pyReadline, pyReadlines, pyOpen, pyClose, 
  pyRead, pyWrite, pyAppend, pySplit, pyRange, pyRstrip, pyMath :: String
pyIndex :: String
pyIndex = String
pyInsert :: String
pyInsert = String
pyAppendFunc :: String
pyAppendFunc = String
pyReadline :: String
pyReadline = String
pyReadlines :: String
pyReadlines = String
pyOpen :: String
pyOpen = String
pyClose :: String
pyClose = String
pyRead :: String
pyRead = String
pyWrite :: String
pyWrite = String
pyAppend :: String
pyAppend = String
pySplit :: String
pySplit = String
pyRange :: String
pyRange = String
pyRstrip :: String
pyRstrip = String
pyMath :: String
pyMath = String

pyDef, pyLambdaDec, pyElseIf, pyRaise, pyExcept :: Doc
pyDef :: Doc
pyDef = String -> Doc
text String
pyLambdaDec :: Doc
pyLambdaDec = String -> Doc
text String
pyElseIf :: Doc
pyElseIf = String -> Doc
text String
pyRaise :: Doc
pyRaise = String -> Doc
text String
pyExcept :: Doc
pyExcept = String -> Doc
text String

pyBodyStart, pyBodyEnd, pyCommentStart, pyDocCommentStart, pyNamedArgSep :: Doc
pyBodyStart :: Doc
pyBodyStart = Doc
pyBodyEnd :: Doc
pyBodyEnd = Doc
pyCommentStart :: Doc
pyCommentStart = String -> Doc
text String
pyDocCommentStart :: Doc
pyDocCommentStart = Doc
pyCommentStart Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
pyNamedArgSep :: Doc
pyNamedArgSep = Doc

pySpace :: OptionalSpace
pySpace :: OptionalSpace
pySpace = OSpace {oSpace :: Doc
oSpace = Doc

pyNotOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pyNotOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pyNotOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
unOpPrec String

pySqrtOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pySqrtOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pySqrtOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc String

pyAbsOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pyAbsOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pyAbsOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc String

pyLogOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pyLogOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pyLogOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc String

pyLnOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pyLnOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pyLnOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc String

pyExpOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pyExpOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pyExpOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc String

pySinOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pySinOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pySinOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc String

pyCosOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pyCosOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pyCosOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc String

pyTanOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pyTanOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pyTanOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc String

pyAsinOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pyAsinOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pyAsinOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc String

pyAcosOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pyAcosOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pyAcosOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc String

pyAtanOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pyAtanOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pyAtanOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc String

pyFloorOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pyFloorOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pyFloorOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc String

pyCeilOp :: (Monad r) => VSOp r
pyCeilOp :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => VSOp r
pyCeilOp = forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc String

addmathImport :: VS a -> VS a
addmathImport :: forall a. VS a -> VS a
addmathImport = forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
(>>) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify (String -> ValueState -> ValueState
addLangImportVS String

mathFunc :: (Monad r) => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc :: forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
mathFunc = forall a. VS a -> VS a
addmathImport forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *). Monad r => String -> VSOp r
unOpPrec forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> String -> String
access String

splitFunc :: (RenderSym r) => Char -> VSFunction r
splitFunc :: forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => Char -> VSFunction r
splitFunc Char
d = forall (r :: * -> *).
FunctionSym r =>
String -> VSType r -> [SValue r] -> VSFunction r
func String
pySplit (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r -> VSType r
listType forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
string) [forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => String -> SValue r
litString [Char

openRead, openWrite, openAppend :: (RenderSym r) => SValue r -> SValue r
openRead :: forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
openRead SValue r
n = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => String -> PosCtorCall r
funcApp String
pyOpen forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
infile [SValue r
n, forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => String -> SValue r
litString String
openWrite :: forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
openWrite SValue r
n = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => String -> PosCtorCall r
funcApp String
pyOpen forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
outfile [SValue r
n, forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => String -> SValue r
litString String
openAppend :: forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
openAppend SValue r
n = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => String -> PosCtorCall r
funcApp String
pyOpen forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
outfile [SValue r
n, forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => String -> SValue r
litString String

readline, readlines :: (RenderSym r) => SValue r -> SValue r
readline :: forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
readline SValue r
f = forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalValueExp r =>
VSType r -> SValue r -> String -> [SValue r] -> SValue r
objMethodCall forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
string SValue r
f String
pyReadline []
readlines :: forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
readlines SValue r
f = forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalValueExp r =>
VSType r -> SValue r -> String -> [SValue r] -> SValue r
objMethodCall (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r -> VSType r
listType forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
string) SValue r
f String
pyReadlines []

readInt, readDouble, readString :: (RenderSym r) => SValue r -> SValue r
readInt :: forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
readInt SValue r
inSrc = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => String -> PosCtorCall r
funcApp String
pyInt forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
int [SValue r
readDouble :: forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
readDouble SValue r
inSrc = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => String -> PosCtorCall r
funcApp String
pyDouble forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
double [SValue r
readString :: forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
readString SValue r
inSrc = forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalValueExp r =>
VSType r -> SValue r -> String -> [SValue r] -> SValue r
objMethodCall forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
string SValue r
inSrc String
pyRstrip []

range :: (RenderSym r) => SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
range :: forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
range SValue r
initv SValue r
finalv SValue r
stepv = forall (r :: * -> *). ValueExpression r => String -> PosCtorCall r
funcApp String
pyRange (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r -> VSType r
listType forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
int) [SValue r
initv, SValue r
finalv, SValue r

pyClassVar :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
pyClassVar :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
pyClassVar Doc
c Doc
v = Doc
c Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
dot Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
c Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
dot Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc

pyInlineIf :: (RenderSym r) => SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
pyInlineIf :: forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
pyInlineIf SValue r
c' SValue r
v1' SValue r
v2' = do 
  r (Value r)
c <- SValue r
  r (Value r)
v1 <- SValue r
  r (Value r)
v2 <- SValue r
  forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderValue r =>
Maybe Int -> VSType r -> Doc -> SValue r
valFromData (forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Maybe Int
valuePrec r (Value r)
c) (forall a s. a -> State s a
toState forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *). ValueSym r => r (Value r) -> r (Type r)
valueType r (Value r)
    (forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value r (Value r)
v1 Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Doc
ifLabel Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value r (Value r)
c Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Doc
elseLabel Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value r (Value r)

pyLambda :: (RenderSym r) => [r (Variable r)] -> r (Value r) -> Doc
pyLambda :: forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
[r (Variable r)] -> r (Value r) -> Doc
pyLambda [r (Variable r)]
ps r (Value r)
ex = Doc
pyLambdaDec Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => [r (Variable r)] -> Doc
variableList [r (Variable r)]
ps Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
colon Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value r (Value r)

pyListSize :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
pyListSize :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
pyListSize Doc
v Doc
f = Doc
f Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc -> Doc
parens Doc

pyStringType :: (RenderSym r) => VSType r
pyStringType :: forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r
pyStringType = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderType r =>
CodeType -> String -> Doc -> VSType r
typeFromData CodeType
String String
pyString (String -> Doc
text String

pyExtNewObjMixedArgs :: (RenderSym r) => Library -> MixedCtorCall r
pyExtNewObjMixedArgs :: forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => MixedCall r
pyExtNewObjMixedArgs String
l VSType r
tp [SValue r]
vs NamedArgs r
ns = VSType r
tp forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= (\r (Type r)
t -> forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderValue r =>
Maybe String -> Maybe Doc -> MixedCall r
call (forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just String
l) forall a. Maybe a
  (forall (r :: * -> *). TypeElim r => r (Type r) -> String
getTypeString r (Type r)
t) (forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure r (Type r)
t) [SValue r]
vs NamedArgs r

pyPrint :: Bool -> Maybe (SValue PythonCode) -> SValue PythonCode -> 
  SValue PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
pyPrint :: Bool
-> Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
-> SValue PythonCode
-> SValue PythonCode
-> MSStatement PythonCode
pyPrint Bool
newLn Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
f' SValue PythonCode
p' SValue PythonCode
v' = do
    PythonCode (Value PythonCode)
f <- forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe (forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => VSType r -> Doc -> SValue r
mkStateVal forall (r :: * -> *). TypeSym r => VSType r
void Doc
empty) Maybe (SValue PythonCode)
    PythonCode ValData
prf <- forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS SValue PythonCode
    PythonCode ValData
v <- forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS SValue PythonCode
    PythonCode ValData
s <- forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS (forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => String -> SValue r
litString String
"" :: SValue PythonCode)
    let nl :: Doc
nl = if Bool
newLn then Doc
empty else Doc
listSep' Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> String -> Doc
text String
"end" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
equals Doc -> Doc -> Doc
               forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value PythonCode ValData
        fl :: Doc
fl = Doc -> Doc -> Doc
emptyIfEmpty (forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value PythonCode (Value PythonCode)
f) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc
listSep' Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> String -> Doc
text String
"file" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
               Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value PythonCode (Value PythonCode)
    forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => Doc -> MSStatement r
mkStmtNoEnd forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value PythonCode ValData
prf Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc -> Doc
parens (forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value PythonCode ValData
v Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
nl Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc

pyOut :: (RenderSym r) => Bool -> Maybe (SValue r) -> SValue r -> SValue r -> 
  MSStatement r
pyOut :: forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
Bool -> Maybe (SValue r) -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
pyOut Bool
newLn Maybe (SValue r)
f SValue r
printFn SValue r
v = forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS SValue r
v forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= CodeType -> StateT MethodState Identity (r (Statement r))
pyOut' forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *). TypeElim r => r (Type r) -> CodeType
getType forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *). ValueSym r => r (Value r) -> r (Type r)
  where pyOut' :: CodeType -> StateT MethodState Identity (r (Statement r))
pyOut' (List CodeType
_) = forall (r :: * -> *).
InternalIOStmt r =>
Bool -> Maybe (SValue r) -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
printSt Bool
newLn Maybe (SValue r)
f SValue r
printFn SValue r
        pyOut' CodeType
_ = forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
Bool -> Maybe (SValue r) -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
G.print Bool
newLn Maybe (SValue r)
f SValue r
printFn SValue r

pyInput :: SValue PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
pyInput :: SValue PythonCode -> SVariable PythonCode -> MSStatement PythonCode
pyInput SValue PythonCode
inSrc SVariable PythonCode
v = SVariable PythonCode
v forall (r :: * -> *).
AssignStatement r =>
SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
&= (SVariable PythonCode
v forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= CodeType -> SValue PythonCode
pyInput' forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *). TypeElim r => r (Type r) -> CodeType
getType forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (r :: * -> *).
VariableElim r =>
r (Variable r) -> r (Type r)
  where pyInput' :: CodeType -> SValue PythonCode
pyInput' CodeType
Integer = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
readInt SValue PythonCode
        pyInput' CodeType
Float = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
readDouble SValue PythonCode
        pyInput' CodeType
Double = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
readDouble SValue PythonCode
        pyInput' CodeType
Boolean = SValue PythonCode
inSrc forall (r :: * -> *).
Comparison r =>
SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
?!= forall (r :: * -> *). Literal r => String -> SValue r
litString String
        pyInput' CodeType
String = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => SValue r -> SValue r
readString SValue PythonCode
        pyInput' CodeType
Char = SValue PythonCode
        pyInput' CodeType
_ = forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"Attempt to read a value of unreadable type"

pyThrow :: (RenderSym r) => r (Value r) -> Doc
pyThrow :: forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => r (Value r) -> Doc
pyThrow r (Value r)
errMsg = Doc
pyRaise Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Doc
exceptionObj' Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc -> Doc
parens (forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value r (Value r)

pyForEach :: (RenderSym r) => r (Variable r) -> r (Value r) -> r (Body r) -> Doc
pyForEach :: forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
r (Variable r) -> r (Value r) -> r (Body r) -> Doc
pyForEach r (Variable r)
i r (Value r)
lstVar r (Body r)
b = [Doc] -> Doc
vcat [
forLabel Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> forall (r :: * -> *). InternalVarElim r => r (Variable r) -> Doc
RC.variable r (Variable r)
i Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Doc
inLabel Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value r (Value r)
lstVar Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
  Doc -> Doc
indent forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *). BodyElim r => r (Body r) -> Doc
RC.body r (Body r)

pyWhile :: (RenderSym r) => r (Value r) -> r (Body r) -> Doc
pyWhile :: forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
r (Value r) -> r (Body r) -> Doc
pyWhile r (Value r)
v r (Body r)
b = [Doc] -> Doc
vcat [
whileLabel Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value r (Value r)
v Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
  Doc -> Doc
indent forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *). BodyElim r => r (Body r) -> Doc
RC.body r (Body r)

pyTryCatch :: (RenderSym r) => r (Body r) -> r (Body r) -> Doc
pyTryCatch :: forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
r (Body r) -> r (Body r) -> Doc
pyTryCatch r (Body r)
tryB r (Body r)
catchB = [Doc] -> Doc
vcat [
tryLabel Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
  Doc -> Doc
indent forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *). BodyElim r => r (Body r) -> Doc
RC.body r (Body r)
pyExcept Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Doc
exceptionObj' Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
  Doc -> Doc
indent forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *). BodyElim r => r (Body r) -> Doc
RC.body r (Body r)

pyListSlice :: (RenderSym r, Monad r) => SVariable r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> 
  SValue r -> SValue r -> MS (r Doc)
pyListSlice :: forall (r :: * -> *).
(RenderSym r, Monad r) =>
SVariable r
-> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MS (r Doc)
pyListSlice SVariable r
vn SValue r
vo SValue r
beg SValue r
end SValue r
step = forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom Lens' MethodState ValueState
lensMStoVS forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
  r (Variable r)
vnew <- SVariable r
  r (Value r)
vold <- SValue r
  r (Value r)
b <- SValue r
  r (Value r)
e <- SValue r
  r (Value r)
s <- SValue r
  forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *) a. Monad r => a -> r a
toCode forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: * -> *). InternalVarElim r => r (Variable r) -> Doc
RC.variable r (Variable r)
vnew Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Doc
equals Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value r (Value r)
vold Doc -> Doc -> Doc
    Doc -> Doc
brackets (forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value r (Value r)
b Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
colon Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value r (Value r)
e Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
colon Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> forall (r :: * -> *). ValueElim r => r (Value r) -> Doc
RC.value r (Value r)

pyMethod :: (RenderSym r) => Label -> r (Variable r) -> [r (Parameter r)] ->
  r (Body r) -> Doc
pyMethod :: forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> r (Variable r) -> [r (Parameter r)] -> r (Body r) -> Doc
pyMethod String
n r (Variable r)
slf [r (Parameter r)]
ps r (Body r)
b = [Doc] -> Doc
vcat [
pyDef Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> String -> Doc
text String
n Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc -> Doc
parens (forall (r :: * -> *). InternalVarElim r => r (Variable r) -> Doc
RC.variable r (Variable r)
slf Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
oneParam Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
pms) Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
  Doc -> Doc
indent Doc
      where pms :: Doc
pms = forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => [r (Parameter r)] -> Doc
parameterList [r (Parameter r)]
            oneParam :: Doc
oneParam = Doc -> Doc -> Doc
emptyIfEmpty Doc
pms Doc
            bodyD :: Doc
bodyD | Doc -> Bool
isEmpty (forall (r :: * -> *). BodyElim r => r (Body r) -> Doc
RC.body r (Body r)
b) = Doc
                  | Bool
otherwise = forall (r :: * -> *). BodyElim r => r (Body r) -> Doc
RC.body r (Body r)

pyFunction :: (RenderSym r) => Label -> [r (Parameter r)] -> r (Body r) -> Doc
pyFunction :: forall (r :: * -> *).
RenderSym r =>
String -> [r (Parameter r)] -> r (Body r) -> Doc
pyFunction String
n [r (Parameter r)]
ps r (Body r)
b = [Doc] -> Doc
vcat [
pyDef Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> String -> Doc
text String
n Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc -> Doc
parens (forall (r :: * -> *). RenderSym r => [r (Parameter r)] -> Doc
parameterList [r (Parameter r)]
ps) Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
  Doc -> Doc
indent Doc
  where bodyD :: Doc
bodyD | Doc -> Bool
isEmpty (forall (r :: * -> *). BodyElim r => r (Body r) -> Doc
RC.body r (Body r)
b) = Doc
              | Bool
otherwise = forall (r :: * -> *). BodyElim r => r (Body r) -> Doc
RC.body r (Body r)

pyClass :: Label -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
pyClass :: String -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
pyClass String
n Doc
pn Doc
s Doc
vs Doc
fs = [Doc] -> Doc
vcat [
s Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Doc
classDec Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> String -> Doc
text String
n Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
pn Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
  Doc -> Doc
indent Doc
  where funcSec :: Doc
funcSec | Doc -> Bool
isEmpty (Doc
vs Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<> Doc
fs) = Doc
                | Doc -> Bool
isEmpty Doc
vs = Doc
                | Doc -> Bool
isEmpty Doc
fs = Doc
                | Bool
otherwise = [Doc] -> Doc
vcat [Doc
vs, Doc
blank, Doc

pyBlockComment :: [String] -> Doc -> Doc
pyBlockComment :: [String] -> Doc -> Doc
pyBlockComment [String]
lns Doc
cmt = [Doc] -> Doc
vcat forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Doc -> Doc -> Doc
(<+>) Doc
cmt forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> Doc
text) [String]

pyDocComment :: [String] -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
pyDocComment :: [String] -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
pyDocComment [] Doc
_ Doc
_ = Doc
pyDocComment (String
lns) Doc
start Doc
mid = [Doc] -> Doc
vcat forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc
start Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> String -> Doc
text String
l forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Doc -> Doc -> Doc
(<+>) Doc
mid forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
  String -> Doc
text) [String]