-- | Defines Drasil generator functions.
module Language.Drasil.Generate (
  -- * Debugging
  dumpTo, dumpEverything,
  -- * Type checking
  -- * Generator Functions
  gen, genDot, genCode,
  -- * Types (Printing Options)
  DocType(..), DocSpec(DocSpec), Format(TeX, HTML, JSON), DocChoices(DC),
  -- * Constructor
  docChoices) where

import System.IO (hClose, hPutStrLn, openFile, IOMode(WriteMode))
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (Doc, render)
import Prelude hiding (id)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, getCurrentDirectory,
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime, utctDay)
import Data.Time.Calendar (showGregorian)

import Build.Drasil (genMake)
import Language.Drasil
import Drasil.DocLang (mkGraphInfo)
import SysInfo.Drasil (SystemInformation)
import Language.Drasil.Printers (DocType(SRS, Website, Jupyter), Format(TeX, HTML, JSON),
 makeCSS, genHTML, genTeX, genJSON, PrintingInformation, outputDot)
import Language.Drasil.Code (generator, generateCode, Choices(..), CodeSpec(..),
  Lang(..), getSampleData, readWithDataDesc, sampleInputDD,
  unPP, unJP, unCSP, unCPPP, unSP)
import Language.Drasil.Output.Formats(Filename, DocSpec(DocSpec), DocChoices(DC))

import Language.Drasil.TypeCheck
import Language.Drasil.Dump

import GOOL.Drasil (unJC, unPC, unCSC, unCPPC, unSC)

-- | Generate a number of artifacts based on a list of recipes.
gen :: DocSpec -> Document -> PrintingInformation -> IO ()
gen :: DocSpec -> Document -> PrintingInformation -> IO ()
gen DocSpec
ds Document
fn PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> DocSpec -> Document -> IO ()
prnt PrintingInformation
sm DocSpec
ds Document
fn -- FIXME: 'prnt' is just 'gen' with the arguments reordered

-- TODO: Include Jupyter into the SRS setup.
-- | Generate the output artifacts (TeX+Makefile, HTML or Notebook).
prnt :: PrintingInformation -> DocSpec -> Document -> IO ()
prnt :: PrintingInformation -> DocSpec -> Document -> IO ()
prnt PrintingInformation
sm (DocSpec (DC DocType
Jupyter [Format]
_) Filename
fn) Document
body =
  do Document
-> PrintingInformation -> Filename -> DocType -> Format -> IO ()
prntDoc Document
body PrintingInformation
sm Filename
fn DocType
Jupyter Format
prnt PrintingInformation
sm (DocSpec (DC DocType
dtype [Format]
fmts) Filename
fn) Document
body =
  do forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ (Document
-> PrintingInformation -> Filename -> DocType -> Format -> IO ()
prntDoc Document
body PrintingInformation
sm Filename
fn DocType
dtype) [Format]

-- | Helper for writing the documents (TeX / HTML / JSON) to file.
prntDoc :: Document -> PrintingInformation -> String -> DocType -> Format -> IO ()
prntDoc :: Document
-> PrintingInformation -> Filename -> DocType -> Format -> IO ()
prntDoc Document
d PrintingInformation
pinfo Filename
fn DocType
Jupyter Format
_ = DocType
-> Filename
-> Filename
-> Format
-> Document
-> PrintingInformation
-> IO ()
prntDoc' DocType
Jupyter Filename
"Jupyter" Filename
fn Format
JSON Document
d PrintingInformation
prntDoc Document
d PrintingInformation
pinfo Filename
fn DocType
dtype Format
fmt =
  case Format
fmt of
HTML -> do DocType
-> Filename
-> Filename
-> Format
-> Document
-> PrintingInformation
-> IO ()
prntDoc' DocType
dtype (forall a. Show a => a -> Filename
show DocType
dtype forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Filename
"/HTML") Filename
fn Format
HTML Document
d PrintingInformation
               DocType -> Filename -> Document -> IO ()
prntCSS DocType
dtype Filename
fn Document
TeX -> do DocType
-> Filename
-> Filename
-> Format
-> Document
-> PrintingInformation
-> IO ()
prntDoc' DocType
dtype (forall a. Show a => a -> Filename
show DocType
dtype forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Filename
"/PDF") Filename
fn Format
TeX Document
d PrintingInformation
              DocSpec -> IO ()
prntMake forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ DocChoices -> Filename -> DocSpec
DocSpec (DocType -> [Format] -> DocChoices
DC DocType
dtype []) Filename
JSON -> do DocType
-> Filename
-> Filename
-> Format
-> Document
-> PrintingInformation
-> IO ()
prntDoc' DocType
dtype (forall a. Show a => a -> Filename
show DocType
dtype forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Filename
"/JSON") Filename
fn Format
JSON Document
d PrintingInformation
_ -> forall a. Monoid a => a

-- | Helper that takes the document type, directory name, document name, format of documents,
-- document information and printing information. Then generates the document file.
prntDoc' :: DocType -> String -> String -> Format -> Document -> PrintingInformation -> IO ()
prntDoc' :: DocType
-> Filename
-> Filename
-> Format
-> Document
-> PrintingInformation
-> IO ()
prntDoc' DocType
dt Filename
dt' Filename
fn Format
format Document
body' PrintingInformation
sm = do
  Bool -> Filename -> IO ()
createDirectoryIfMissing Bool
True Filename
outh <- Filename -> IOMode -> IO Handle
openFile (Filename
dt' forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Filename
"/" forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Filename
fn forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Format -> Filename
getExt Format
format) IOMode
  Handle -> Filename -> IO ()
hPutStrLn Handle
outh forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc -> Filename
render forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PrintingInformation
-> DocType -> Format -> Filename -> Document -> Doc
writeDoc PrintingInformation
sm DocType
dt Format
format Filename
fn Document
  Handle -> IO ()
hClose Handle
  where getExt :: Format -> Filename
getExt Format
TeX  = Filename
        getExt Format
HTML = Filename
        getExt Format
JSON = Filename
        getExt Format
_    = forall a. HasCallStack => Filename -> a
error Filename
"We can only write in TeX, HTML and Jupyter Notebook (for now)."

-- | Helper for writing the Makefile(s).
prntMake :: DocSpec -> IO ()
prntMake :: DocSpec -> IO ()
prntMake ds :: DocSpec
ds@(DocSpec (DC DocType
dt [Format]
_) Filename
_) =
  do Handle
outh <- Filename -> IOMode -> IO Handle
openFile (forall a. Show a => a -> Filename
show DocType
dt forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Filename
"/PDF/Makefile") IOMode
     Handle -> Filename -> IO ()
hPutStrLn Handle
outh forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc -> Filename
render forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall c. RuleTransformer c => [c] -> Doc
genMake [DocSpec
     Handle -> IO ()
hClose Handle

-- | Helper that creates a CSS file to accompany an HTML file.
-- Takes in the folder name, generated file name, and the document.
prntCSS :: DocType -> String -> Document -> IO ()
prntCSS :: DocType -> Filename -> Document -> IO ()
prntCSS DocType
docType Filename
fn Document
body = do
outh2 <- Filename -> IOMode -> IO Handle
openFile (forall a. Show a => a -> Filename
getFD DocType
docType forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Filename
fn forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Filename
".css") IOMode
  Handle -> Filename -> IO ()
hPutStrLn Handle
outh2 forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc -> Filename
render (Document -> Doc
makeCSS Document
  Handle -> IO ()
hClose Handle
    getFD :: a -> Filename
getFD a
dtype = forall a. Show a => a -> Filename
show a
dtype forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Filename

-- | Renders the documents.
writeDoc :: PrintingInformation -> DocType -> Format -> Filename -> Document -> Doc
writeDoc :: PrintingInformation
-> DocType -> Format -> Filename -> Document -> Doc
writeDoc PrintingInformation
s DocType
_  Format
TeX  Filename
_  Document
doc = Document -> PrintingInformation -> Doc
genTeX Document
doc PrintingInformation
writeDoc PrintingInformation
s DocType
_  Format
HTML Filename
fn Document
doc = PrintingInformation -> Filename -> Document -> Doc
genHTML PrintingInformation
s Filename
fn Document
writeDoc PrintingInformation
s DocType
dt Format
JSON Filename
_  Document
doc = PrintingInformation -> DocType -> Document -> Doc
genJSON PrintingInformation
s DocType
dt Document
writeDoc PrintingInformation
_ DocType
_  Format
_    Filename
_  Document
_   = forall a. HasCallStack => Filename -> a
error Filename
"we can only write TeX/HTML/JSON (for now)"

-- | Generates traceability graphs as .dot files.
genDot :: SystemInformation -> IO ()
genDot :: SystemInformation -> IO ()
genDot SystemInformation
si = do
workingDir <- IO Filename
    let gi :: GraphInfo
gi = SystemInformation -> GraphInfo
mkGraphInfo SystemInformation
    Filename -> GraphInfo -> IO ()
outputDot Filename
"TraceyGraph" GraphInfo
    Filename -> IO ()
setCurrentDirectory Filename

-- | Calls the code generator.
genCode :: Choices -> CodeSpec -> IO ()
genCode :: Choices -> CodeSpec -> IO ()
genCode Choices
chs CodeSpec
spec = do
workingDir <- IO Filename
time <- IO UTCTime
sampData <- forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe (forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return []) (\Filename
sd -> Filename -> DataDesc' -> IO [Expr]
readWithDataDesc Filename
sd forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [CodeVarChunk] -> DataDesc'
    (CodeSpec -> [CodeVarChunk]
extInputs CodeSpec
spec)) (Choices -> Maybe Filename
getSampleData Choices
  Bool -> Filename -> IO ()
createDirectoryIfMissing Bool
False Filename
  Filename -> IO ()
setCurrentDirectory Filename
  let genLangCode :: Lang -> IO ()
genLangCode Lang
Java = forall {progRepr :: * -> *} {packRepr :: * -> *}.
(OOProg progRepr, PackageSym packRepr) =>
-> (progRepr (Program progRepr) -> ProgData)
-> (packRepr (Package packRepr) -> PackData)
-> IO ()
genCall Lang
Java forall a. JavaCode a -> a
unJC forall a. JavaProject a -> a
      genLangCode Lang
Python = forall {progRepr :: * -> *} {packRepr :: * -> *}.
(OOProg progRepr, PackageSym packRepr) =>
-> (progRepr (Program progRepr) -> ProgData)
-> (packRepr (Package packRepr) -> PackData)
-> IO ()
genCall Lang
Python forall a. PythonCode a -> a
unPC forall a. PythonProject a -> a
      genLangCode Lang
CSharp = forall {progRepr :: * -> *} {packRepr :: * -> *}.
(OOProg progRepr, PackageSym packRepr) =>
-> (progRepr (Program progRepr) -> ProgData)
-> (packRepr (Package packRepr) -> PackData)
-> IO ()
genCall Lang
CSharp forall a. CSharpCode a -> a
unCSC forall a. CSharpProject a -> a
      genLangCode Lang
Cpp = forall {progRepr :: * -> *} {packRepr :: * -> *}.
(OOProg progRepr, PackageSym packRepr) =>
-> (progRepr (Program progRepr) -> ProgData)
-> (packRepr (Package packRepr) -> PackData)
-> IO ()
genCall Lang
Cpp forall a. CppCode CppSrcCode CppHdrCode a -> a
unCPPC forall a. CppProject a -> a
      genLangCode Lang
Swift = forall {progRepr :: * -> *} {packRepr :: * -> *}.
(OOProg progRepr, PackageSym packRepr) =>
-> (progRepr (Program progRepr) -> ProgData)
-> (packRepr (Package packRepr) -> PackData)
-> IO ()
genCall Lang
Swift forall a. SwiftCode a -> a
unSC forall a. SwiftProject a -> a
      genCall :: Lang
-> (progRepr (Program progRepr) -> ProgData)
-> (packRepr (Package packRepr) -> PackData)
-> IO ()
genCall Lang
lng progRepr (Program progRepr) -> ProgData
unProgRepr packRepr (Package packRepr) -> PackData
unPackRepr = forall (progRepr :: * -> *) (packRepr :: * -> *).
(OOProg progRepr, PackageSym packRepr) =>
-> (progRepr (Program progRepr) -> ProgData)
-> (packRepr (Package packRepr) -> PackData)
-> DrasilState
-> IO ()
generateCode Lang
lng progRepr (Program progRepr) -> ProgData
        packRepr (Package packRepr) -> PackData
unPackRepr forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Lang -> Filename -> [Expr] -> Choices -> CodeSpec -> DrasilState
generator Lang
lng (Day -> Filename
showGregorian forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ UTCTime -> Day
utctDay UTCTime
time) [Expr]
sampData Choices
chs CodeSpec
  forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ Lang -> IO ()
genLangCode (Choices -> [Lang]
lang Choices
  Filename -> IO ()
setCurrentDirectory Filename

-- | Constructor for users to choose their document options
docChoices :: DocType -> [Format] -> DocChoices
docChoices :: DocType -> [Format] -> DocChoices
docChoices = DocType -> [Format] -> DocChoices