Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Re-export document language types and functions for easy use in other packages.
- type SRSDecl = [DocSection]
- data DocSection
- newtype ReqrmntSec = ReqsProg [ReqsSub]
- data ReqsSub where
- FReqsSub :: Sentence -> [LabelledContent] -> ReqsSub
- FReqsSub' :: [LabelledContent] -> ReqsSub
- NonFReqsSub :: ReqsSub
- data PDSub where
- TermsAndDefs :: Concept c => Maybe Sentence -> [c] -> PDSub
- PhySysDesc :: Idea a => a -> [Sentence] -> LabelledContent -> [Contents] -> PDSub
- Goals :: [Sentence] -> PDSub
- data ProblemDescription where
- PDProg :: Sentence -> [Section] -> [PDSub] -> ProblemDescription
- newtype SSDSec = SSDProg [SSDSub]
- data SSDSub where
- SSDProblem :: ProblemDescription -> SSDSub
- SSDSolChSpec :: SolChSpec -> SSDSub
- data SCSSub where
- Assumptions :: SCSSub
- TMs :: [Sentence] -> Fields -> SCSSub
- GDs :: [Sentence] -> Fields -> DerivationDisplay -> SCSSub
- DDs :: [Sentence] -> Fields -> DerivationDisplay -> SCSSub
- IMs :: [Sentence] -> Fields -> DerivationDisplay -> SCSSub
- Constraints :: (HasUncertainty c, Quantity c, Constrained c, HasReasVal c, MayHaveUnit c) => Sentence -> [c] -> SCSSub
- CorrSolnPpties :: (Quantity c, Constrained c) => [c] -> [Contents] -> SCSSub
- data SolChSpec where
- newtype AppndxSec = AppndxProg [Contents]
- data AuxConstntSec = AuxConsProg CI [ConstQDef]
- data DerivationDisplay
- data Emphasis
- newtype OffShelfSolnsSec = OffShelfSolnsProg [Contents]
- newtype GSDSec = GSDProg [GSDSub]
- data GSDSub where
- data IntroSec = IntroProg Sentence Sentence [IntroSub]
- data IntroSub where
- data LFunc where
- Term :: LFunc
- Defn :: LFunc
- TermExcept :: [DefinedQuantityDict] -> LFunc
- DefnExcept :: [DefinedQuantityDict] -> LFunc
- TAD :: LFunc
- data Literature
- data RefSec = RefProg Contents [RefTab]
- data RefTab where
- newtype StkhldrSec = StkhldrProg [StkhldrSub]
- data StkhldrSub where
- Client :: CI -> Sentence -> StkhldrSub
- Cstmr :: CI -> StkhldrSub
- data TConvention
- newtype TraceabilitySec = TraceabilityProg [TraceConfig]
- data TSIntro
- data TUIntro
- mkDoc :: SRSDecl -> (IdeaDict -> IdeaDict -> Sentence) -> SystemInformation -> Document
- fillTraceSI :: SRSDecl -> SystemInformation -> SystemInformation
- fillcdbSRS :: SRSDecl -> SystemInformation -> SystemInformation
- findAllRefs :: Section -> [Reference]
- type LsnDecl = [LsnChapter]
- data LsnChapter
- newtype Intro = IntrodProg [Contents]
- newtype LearnObj = LrnObjProg [Contents]
- newtype Review = ReviewProg [Contents]
- newtype CaseProb = CaseProbProg [Contents]
- newtype Example = ExampleProg [Contents]
- newtype Smmry = SmmryProg [Contents]
- newtype Apndx = ApndxProg [Contents]
- mkNb :: LsnDecl -> (IdeaDict -> IdeaDict -> Sentence) -> SystemInformation -> Document
- data Field
- type Fields = [Field]
- data InclUnits = IncludeUnits
- data Verbosity
- ddefn :: Fields -> SystemInformation -> DataDefinition -> LabelledContent
- mkGraphInfo :: SystemInformation -> GraphInfo
- traceyGraphGetRefs :: String -> [Reference]
- traceMatStandard :: SystemInformation -> [TraceConfig]
- traceMatOtherReq :: SystemInformation -> TraceConfig
- generateTraceMap :: [DocSection] -> TraceMap
- tableOfConstants :: [ConstQDef] -> LabelledContent
- purpDoc :: CI -> Verbosity -> [Sentence]
- intro :: Contents
- emptySectSentPlu :: NamedIdea n => [n] -> Sentence
- emptySectSentSing :: NamedIdea n => [n] -> Sentence
- tsymb :: [TSIntro] -> RefTab
- tsymb'' :: [TSIntro] -> LFunc -> RefTab
- unitTableRef :: Reference
- tunit :: [TUIntro] -> RefTab
- tunit' :: [TUIntro] -> RefTab
- tunitNone :: [TUIntro] -> RefTab
- inReq :: Sentence -> ConceptInstance
- inTable :: (Quantity i, MayHaveUnit i) => [i] -> LabelledContent
- mkInputPropsTable :: (Quantity i, MayHaveUnit i, HasShortName r, Referable r) => [i] -> r -> LabelledContent
- mkQRTuple :: (HasOutput i, HasShortName i, Referable i) => [i] -> [(QuantityDict, Sentence)]
- mkQRTupleRef :: (Quantity i, MayHaveUnit i, HasShortName r, Referable r) => [i] -> [r] -> [(QuantityDict, Sentence)]
- mkValsSourceTable :: (Quantity i, MayHaveUnit i) => [(i, Sentence)] -> String -> Sentence -> LabelledContent
- reqInputsRef :: Reference
- mkMaintainableNFR :: String -> Integer -> String -> ConceptInstance
- auxSpecSent :: Sentence
- termDefnF' :: Maybe Sentence -> [Contents] -> Section
- inDataConstTbl :: (HasUncertainty c, Quantity c, Constrained c, HasReasVal c, MayHaveUnit c) => [c] -> LabelledContent
- outDataConstTbl :: (Quantity c, Constrained c) => [c] -> LabelledContent
- getDocDesc :: DocDesc -> [Sentence]
- egetDocDesc :: DocDesc -> [ModelExpr]
- secRefs :: [Reference]
Document Language
For generating Software Requirements Specifications.
type SRSDecl = [DocSection] Source #
A Software Requirements Specification Declaration is made up of all necessary sections (DocSection
data DocSection Source #
Contains all the different sections needed for a full SRS (SRSDecl
TableOfContents | Table of Contents |
RefSec RefSec | Reference. |
IntroSec IntroSec | Introduction. |
StkhldrSec StkhldrSec | Stakeholders. |
GSDSec GSDSec | General System Description. |
SSDSec SSDSec | Specific System Description. |
ReqrmntSec ReqrmntSec | Requirements. |
LCsSec | Likely Changes. |
UCsSec | Unlikely Changes. |
TraceabilitySec TraceabilitySec | Traceability. |
AuxConstntSec AuxConstntSec | Auxiliary Constants. |
Bibliography | Bibliography. |
AppndxSec AppndxSec | Appendix. |
OffShelfSolnsSec OffShelfSolnsSec | Off the Shelf Solutions. |
newtype ReqrmntSec Source #
Requirements section (wraps ReqsSub
Requirements subsections.
FReqsSub :: Sentence -> [LabelledContent] -> ReqsSub | Functional requirements. |
FReqsSub' :: [LabelledContent] -> ReqsSub | Functional requirements. |
NonFReqsSub :: ReqsSub | Non-Functional requirements. |
Problem Description subsections.
TermsAndDefs :: Concept c => Maybe Sentence -> [c] -> PDSub | Terms and Definitions. |
PhySysDesc :: Idea a => a -> [Sentence] -> LabelledContent -> [Contents] -> PDSub | Physical System Description. |
Goals :: [Sentence] -> PDSub | Goals. |
data ProblemDescription where Source #
Problem Description section.
PDProg :: Sentence -> [Section] -> [PDSub] -> ProblemDescription |
Specific System Description section (wraps SSDSub
Specific System Description subsections.
SSDProblem :: ProblemDescription -> SSDSub | Problem description. |
SSDSolChSpec :: SolChSpec -> SSDSub | Solution characteristics. |
Solution Characteristics Specification subsections.
Assumptions :: SCSSub | Assumptions. |
TMs :: [Sentence] -> Fields -> SCSSub | Theory models. |
GDs :: [Sentence] -> Fields -> DerivationDisplay -> SCSSub | General definitions. |
DDs :: [Sentence] -> Fields -> DerivationDisplay -> SCSSub | Data definitions. |
IMs :: [Sentence] -> Fields -> DerivationDisplay -> SCSSub | Instance models. |
Constraints :: (HasUncertainty c, Quantity c, Constrained c, HasReasVal c, MayHaveUnit c) => Sentence -> [c] -> SCSSub | Constraints. |
CorrSolnPpties :: (Quantity c, Constrained c) => [c] -> [Contents] -> SCSSub | Properties of a correct solution. |
Solution Characteristics Specification section (wraps SCSSub
data AuxConstntSec Source #
Values of Auxiliary Constants section.
AuxConsProg CI [ConstQDef] |
data DerivationDisplay Source #
Choose whether to show or hide the derivation of an expression.
ShowDerivation | |
HideDerivation |
How to handle emphasis of words.
newtype OffShelfSolnsSec Source #
Off-The-Shelf Solutions section.
OffShelfSolnsProg [Contents] |
General System Description section (wraps GSDSub
General System Description subsections.
Introduction section. Contents are top level followed by a list of subsections.
Introduction subsections.
IPurpose :: [Sentence] -> IntroSub | Describes purpose of the system. |
IScope :: Sentence -> IntroSub | Describes scope of the system. |
IChar :: [Sentence] -> [Sentence] -> [Sentence] -> IntroSub | Describes characteristics of the system. |
IOrgSec :: CI -> Section -> Sentence -> IntroSub | Organises the section. |
Lens (lookup) functions (currently for TSymb).
Term :: LFunc | |
Defn :: LFunc | |
TermExcept :: [DefinedQuantityDict] -> LFunc | |
DefnExcept :: [DefinedQuantityDict] -> LFunc | |
TAD | |
data Literature Source #
Types of literature.
Reference section. Contents are top level followed by a list of subsections.
Reference subsections (tables) made out of units or symbols (can be customized).
TUnits :: RefTab | Default table of units. |
TUnits' :: [TUIntro] -> ([UnitDefn] -> LabelledContent) -> RefTab | Customized introduction. |
TSymb :: [TSIntro] -> RefTab | Adds an introduction for a table of symbols. |
TSymb' :: LFunc -> [TSIntro] -> RefTab | Allows Lens functions in addition to an introduction for a table of symbols. |
TAandA :: RefTab | Default. |
newtype StkhldrSec Source #
Stakeholders section (wraps stakeholders subsections StkhldrSub
StkhldrProg [StkhldrSub] |
data StkhldrSub where Source #
Stakeholders subsections.
Client :: CI -> Sentence -> StkhldrSub | May have a client. |
Cstmr :: CI -> StkhldrSub | May have a customer. |
data TConvention Source #
Possible typographic conventions.
newtype TraceabilitySec Source #
Traceability Matices and Graphs section. Contains configurations (TraceConfig
TraceabilityProg [TraceConfig] |
For creating a table of symbols introduction
TypogConvention [TConvention] | Typographic conventions used. |
SymbOrder | Symbol ordering (defaults to alphabetical). |
SymbConvention [Literature] | Symbol conventions match specified literature. |
TSPurpose | Purpose of the Table of Symbols. |
VectorUnits | Definition of vector components. |
For creating the table of units introduction.
mkDoc :: SRSDecl -> (IdeaDict -> IdeaDict -> Sentence) -> SystemInformation -> Document Source #
Creates a document from a document description, a title combinator function, and system information.
fillTraceSI :: SRSDecl -> SystemInformation -> SystemInformation Source #
Helper for filling in the traceability matrix and graph information into the system.
findAllRefs :: Section -> [Reference] Source #
Recursively find all references in a section (meant for getting at LabelledContent
For generating Jupyter notebook lesson plans.
type LsnDecl = [LsnChapter] Source #
A Lesson Plan notebook declaration is made up of all necessary chapters (LsnChapter
data LsnChapter Source #
Contains all the different chapters needed for a notebook lesson plan (LsnDecl
IntrodProg [Contents] |
LrnObjProg [Contents] |
ReviewProg [Contents] |
CaseProbProg [Contents] |
ExampleProg [Contents] |
mkNb :: LsnDecl -> (IdeaDict -> IdeaDict -> Sentence) -> SystemInformation -> Document Source #
Creates a notebook from a lesson description and system information.
Subsection Functions
Definitions and Models
Fields that should be displayed in definitions.
Determines whether to include or ignore units.
IncludeUnits | In description field (for other symbols). |
Refers to the verbosity of statements.
ddefn :: Fields -> SystemInformation -> DataDefinition -> LabelledContent Source #
Create a data definition using a list of fields, a database of symbols, and a
(called automatically by SCSSub
mkGraphInfo :: SystemInformation -> GraphInfo Source #
Extracts traceability graph inforomation from filled-in SystemInformation
traceyGraphGetRefs :: String -> [Reference] Source #
Create references to traceability graphs given an example name. Primarily used for reference database in examples.
traceMatStandard :: SystemInformation -> [TraceConfig] Source #
Helpers to check if given argument has more than one peice of information
Contains traceability matrix assumptions, other assumptions, refinement, and other requirements.
traceMatOtherReq :: SystemInformation -> TraceConfig Source #
Records other requirements. Converts the SystemInformation
into a TraceConfig
generateTraceMap :: [DocSection] -> TraceMap Source #
Creates a traceability map from document sections.
Auxiliary Constants
tableOfConstants :: [ConstQDef] -> LabelledContent Source #
Helper that gets a table of constants from a QDefinition
purpDoc :: CI -> Verbosity -> [Sentence] Source #
Combines purpDocPara1
and developmentProcessParagraph
Verbosity controls if the developmentProcessParagraph
is added or not.
Reference Material
emptySectSentPlu :: NamedIdea n => [n] -> Sentence Source #
Helper for variants of emptySectSent
emptySectSentSing :: NamedIdea n => [n] -> Sentence Source #
Helper for variants of emptySectSent
tsymb :: [TSIntro] -> RefTab Source #
Default is term and given introduction.
Table of symbols constructor.
tsymb'' :: [TSIntro] -> LFunc -> RefTab Source #
Table of symbols constructor. Takes a custom function and introduction.
unitTableRef :: Reference Source #
Makes a reference to the Table of Units.
tunit' :: [TUIntro] -> RefTab Source #
Table of units with SI name in the description column.
Table of units constructors.
tunitNone :: [TUIntro] -> RefTab Source #
Table of units with SI name in the description column.
Table of units constructors.
inReq :: Sentence -> ConceptInstance Source #
Creates a ConceptInstance
of input values.
inTable :: (Quantity i, MayHaveUnit i) => [i] -> LabelledContent Source #
Creates a generalized input-value table for the Requirements section.
mkInputPropsTable :: (Quantity i, MayHaveUnit i, HasShortName r, Referable r) => [i] -> r -> LabelledContent Source #
Creates an Input Data Table for use in the Functional Requirments section. Takes a list of wrapped variables and something that is Referable
mkQRTuple :: (HasOutput i, HasShortName i, Referable i) => [i] -> [(QuantityDict, Sentence)] Source #
mkQRTupleRef :: (Quantity i, MayHaveUnit i, HasShortName r, Referable r) => [i] -> [r] -> [(QuantityDict, Sentence)] Source #
mkValsSourceTable :: (Quantity i, MayHaveUnit i) => [(i, Sentence)] -> String -> Sentence -> LabelledContent Source #
Creates a table for use in the Functional Requirments section. Takes a list of tuples containing variables and sources, a label, and a caption.
reqInputsRef :: Reference Source #
Reference for the Required Inputs table.
mkMaintainableNFR :: String -> Integer -> String -> ConceptInstance Source #
Specific System Description
auxSpecSent :: Sentence Source #
General Sentence
that describes some auxiliary specifications of the system.
termDefnF' :: Maybe Sentence -> [Contents] -> Section Source #
Similar to termDefnF
, except does not take definitions from the list of terms.
inDataConstTbl :: (HasUncertainty c, Quantity c, Constrained c, HasReasVal c, MayHaveUnit c) => [c] -> LabelledContent Source #
Creates the input Data Constraints Table.
outDataConstTbl :: (Quantity c, Constrained c) => [c] -> LabelledContent Source #
Creates the output Data Constraints Table.
Document Extraction Function
getDocDesc :: DocDesc -> [Sentence] Source #
Extracts Sentence
s from a document description.
egetDocDesc :: DocDesc -> [ModelExpr] Source #
Extracts expressions from the document description (DocDesc
) and default DLPlate