drasil-docLang- A framework for code and document generation for scientific software - Document Language SubPackage
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Defines functions used in creating an introduction section.



orgSec :: NamedIdea c => c -> Section -> Sentence -> Section Source #

Constructor for the Organization of the Document section. Parameters should be an introduction (Sentence), a resource for a bottom up approach (NamedIdea), reference to that resource (Section), and any other relevant information (Sentence).

introductionSection :: Sentence -> Sentence -> [Section] -> Section Source #

Constructor for the Introduction section. In order, the parameters are:

  • problemIntroduction - Sentence introducing the specific example problem.
  • programDefinition - Sentence definition of the specific example.
  • subSections - List of subsections for this section.

purposeOfDoc :: [Sentence] -> Section Source #

Constructor for Purpose of Document subsection. Takes a list of Sentences that:

  • Given one element: explains the purpose of the specific example.
  • Given two elements: explains the purpose of the specific example and the development process.
  • Otherwise: Uses the default developmentProcessParagraph.

scopeOfRequirements :: Sentence -> Section Source #

Constructor for the Scope of Requirements subsection. Takes in the main requirement for the program.

charIntRdrF :: Idea a => a -> [Sentence] -> [Sentence] -> [Sentence] -> Section -> Section Source #

Constructor for characteristics of the intended reader subsection. Takes the program name (Idea), assumed knowledge (Sentences), topic-related subjects (Sentences), knowledge assets (Sentences), and references (Section).

purpDoc :: CI -> Verbosity -> [Sentence] Source #

Combines purpDocPara1 and developmentProcessParagraph. Verbosity controls if the developmentProcessParagraph is added or not.